
Ok, quick question. A recent bride I just photographed, took all the pictures from the online gallery, and posted them to her myspace without my approval. The bad thing, is the pics had a watermark and they were smart enough to remove the watermark!! Which pissed me off. So I dont even get free advertising. I emailed the bride to KINDLY take them down, no response in a few days. My question now, is I contacted myspace to report this, and get them down, but is there a real way to prevent this stuff? I have the images on backprint which if you right click save it saves a blank picture. I guess print screen is a stealer's friend! I have done hundreds of weddings, and this is the first time this has happened (that I know of). Its frustrating.
Josh Westbrook
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
small claims court time....easy case.
I sued someone in small claims court several years ago and the other side actually paid me more in the settlement than they would have had they lost in court. They weren't afraid to stick it to you so don't you be afraid to stick it to them.
Go for it. It'll be a piece of cake.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I am curious as to why you don't use your smugmug site for the photos?
After a few things such as this happened, I then started using the tiled watermark on all my photos. Once they purchase the files, if they choose to, then I post remove watermarks, but only then.
Oh and they are on smugmug. As well as backprint. I dont have a pro smug account yet, but when I do, I will ditch backprint and use smug exclusively w/watermarks. The tiled watermark is a great idea. Do you have a sample? Should I upload ALL images with tiled watermarks to backprint and the originals in private galleries on smugmug for the time being? I know smugmug doesn't advertise itself as this, but I use smugmug as online storage of ALL originals (and I love ya'll - smugmug).
Atlanta, GA
Also see this other thread for some good info.
Why are you waiting for to upgrade. Its cheap for the protection IMHO. Especially for wedding photogs.
While there may be some backlash, it seems fairly easy to explain your position, besides I'm not sure I would want anyone they know as a client.
I might send the bride one more e-mail stating that if she doesn't respond and make this thing right within 5 days or so that you will take her to small claims court to recover your damages. Then, actually do it.
It also comes down to which message you want to send to the community: That it's ok to steal your stuff or it's not ok to steal your stuff.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
I did a screen capture and I have evidence of the posted pictures STILL there as of today. I also sent them a bill for $1300 (which is enforcable by a credit collection agency) as well as a letter from an attorney that states the violation. So we will see what happens now. I have also deactivated their online proof gallery, permanently or until I either get money, or have proof the images are down (and thats one of the things I emailed them about) - still no return email.
I am very surprised they could get the watermarks off. I cant even do it on the same pictures!
At least this is an open shut case. Which is always good. And true, I wouldnt want any of their friends as clients!!
Atlanta, GA
The gallery I visited on your website:
has NO image protection whatsoever. I can right click and save any image in that gallery, quickly and eaily.
I'm not sure what protections smugmug offers on "non pro accounts" but, I'm a pro user and I have right click disabled through my Smugmug control panel. If you DO try to save an image from my gallery, you'll save nothing but a spacer image. IF you try to screen shot an image of mine, there is a prominent but, tasteful watermark on the images. On some it's right through the middle of the image, on others it's off to bottom right. There are only a handful of images on my site where one could get a clean screenshot and crop the image AND remove the watermark to use the image. But really, I don't think it's all that useful to crop an already small image, then remove the watermark on the image... and it's not even a printable size or resolution.
Additionally: IF you are shooting weddings, don't you get a deposit on the work BEFORE performing it? I didn't see any mention of this (but I might have overlooked it) in your original post.
In your agreement / contracts I would prominently place a clause that states that any violation of copyright / copying / downloading images without having purchased the right to do so, will result in a forfeiture of all deposits and further termination of services after that. Not exactly what you should write but, something of similar nature to discourage this kind of activity from even being a fleeting thought.
Good luck and I sincerely hope you find a way to teach them a lesson that your work has a value to it.... it's not free!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
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Scott Crouse Photography
"...Displaying the Beauty of our World"
Chesterville, Ontario
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Update - and I quote "you will not get a fu**ing dime out of me for posting those pictures to my space!!" and hung up on me. Hmmm, looks like I am about to be rich!
Atlanta, GA
Makes you work even harder!
Best of luck, i'll keep my eye on this thread to see how you make out. Hope you get what you deserve and hope she gets what she deserves as well.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
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Scott Crouse Photography
"...Displaying the Beauty of our World"
Chesterville, Ontario
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E-mail Me
(613) 448-4310
them are fighting words!
.....any chance they purchased the print photos and instead scanned them to put on their myspace account and did not screen print from your site and remove the watermarks??
Just a question. Maybe you addressed it already and I just missed it.
The other question, they did not purchase any prints. And they wont now, since the online gallery has been deleted permanently.
Thanks guys for your support. This kind of stuff is way too common these days. Maybe a no proofing option should be the norm from now on. Have them come back to the studio the traditional way, get shown the proofs on a TV, whatever, and order right there. If they dont want any reprints, then do like Olan Mills, Target, etc, "we will destroy them if you don't order today" or something similar, maybe less dramatic.
Damn this is so frustrating. I feel like ripping my hair out, even though I am bald!
Atlanta, GA
I won't state how it's done though and I hear one pro landscape shooter doesn't even use them b/c they are so easily removed.
Just sitting here thinking, I may try something like a micro print (for a check) and just print small text all over the thing, making it not worth their trouble to remove the markings while still making the photo relatively clear.
Either way, this sounds like an open & shut case. I hope your judge or arbitrator nail this up quickly.
Something like :
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
True, we need a better watermkaring method. I have a new one in place now on the portfolio galleries on my website. They seem to be unobtrusive and hopefully they will work. I am kinda in overkill right now though, because of this, but maybe this will deter some deja vu in the future. Still considering the whole "no online proofing" thing, but we will see.
Atlanta, GA
I recently just went to a local sports team's website that I shot last year and noticed my pictures (2) that were on their new site and they were pictures that were not purchased. It appears that they copied the thumbnails and enlarged them a little.
I am planning on mentioning this to them at the next board meeting but will also offer a couple of better pictures for the site...I made a lot of money from them last year and don't want to ruin the deal
Good luck..watching this thread
I'm fairly new to the online stuff considering I'm getting back into photography in just the last year or so. I was a film guy in the '90s, so all this mention of stealing photos and watermarks not working is a bit frightening. Right now I don't even have watermarks on any of my pics on my website, just right-click protected. Now I read that watermarks are not even effective, so we shouldn't use them? AHHH!
Canon 2 x 5D, 24-70L, 70-200 2.8IS, 50 f1.4, 580EXII, 2 x 550EX, CP-E4
GOod for you for going after them !
Facebook Page
You can, in my opinion, never go wrong by including a watermark of some sort. And I am not talking about a smaller,signature-only-type mark in the lower corner. Some form of watermark is a good deterent to some people. However, in the digitial age you can never foil them all. Put it online and it's free game for all.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I have since, axed the entire FREE online gallery thing. What I do now, is have them come back to the studio for a viewing. Take the print order. THEN I will give them a free online gallery only for 1 year. If they want an extension its 30 bucks a year. Everything is now heavily watermarked, and extremely low resolution. You can check out my portfolio pages on my website to get an idea of how we do it now.
To update everyone on the situation:
-myspace deleted her account
-myspace also deleted her sisters account which had the same images
-we went to court, we won in an open-shut case
-I was awarded financial damages, and they now have a record, both of them
-her online gallery was completely deleted, per the judge
-I also filed a public report for anyone wondering what happened/future brides she might talk to and try to make me a bad guy, per the judge
Thanks everyone for following this, and for the great tips.
Lesson - enforce the contract!
Bigger Lesson - no more free online galleries until they buy a print at the viewing
Huge Lesson - always watermark!
Atlanta, GA
Out of curiousity, do you feel that they will actually pay? So many photogs get awards, but never collect.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Atlanta, GA
And from another perspective:
To be honest, I'd rather go to jail for a little bit than cough up 10K. I'm pretty sure there are many that feel the same way as I.
So stay on top of it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease