how much zoom?
I'm looking for a new lens that will allow me to take good wildlife shots. I don't have a big budget so that makes this more difficult. My camera is an XTI 400D so its a x1.6 I think. I'm currently looking at lenses in the 200-250mm range that would be significantly higher after the x1.6. Any advice on this would be great.
I have read remarks from several ppl that you will always want/need another 100mm no matter what lens you have.
I have been having a blast shooting song birds and the like with my 70-300. It just requires getting pretty darn close to your subject. Lots of blind sitting and a truck load of bird seed and deer corn.
I too have the 400D and started out with the Sigma 70-300 but soon found it just too short for decent wildlife shots so invested in the 100-400 L IS, which is soo much better, although sometimes I wish I had the 500 600.......
The Canon F4.5-5.6L IS 100mm-400mm telezoom is the one that really got me going with wildlife photography. I would say that this is a great starter wildlife lens. I say starter lens because I can guaratee you that you will still be wanting more focal length with this one too. Although I highly recommend this telezoom first. It's a great value. Or you can just go for the Canon F5.6 400mm prime which is sharper but no IS.