Tools making use of ShareGroup API feature
First I want to check and see if any of the iPhoto/Aperture to SmugMug tools are planning on implementing a ShareGroup integration any time soon? (I don't currently use iPhoto or Aperture, so I'm not sure where I'll land with that mess. All I know is my photos are on a server and I have a lot of them, so I'm not sure that iPhoto is an option.)
Ideally, what I'd like to do is setup an album in iPhoto/Aperture, create a new album under a ShareGroup, and then start the upload process. The reason I'd like to use ShareGroups is so that I can pass a single secret URL to my family and give them a one stop shop for all of their photo browsing needs.
If nothing is on the horizon in this space, I'll probably start with plan B. What I'd do is leverage the SmugMug API to upload my new photos via a nightly CRON job. It would find the new photos on my local system, create a date-based album, associate it with a ShareGroup, and upload the photos to the proper album.
I'd prefer to go with an integrated solution so my albums can be a little more event specific and so I could do some minor editing before uploading. It is enticing to go with the fully automated plan B I describe above, however.
I can offer some help in coding such an integrated solution, although I only have real quality experience with Ruby. I'm planning to learn Objective-C/Cocoa to mess with an iPhone app idea, but I'm not there yet...
First I want to check and see if any of the iPhoto/Aperture to SmugMug tools are planning on implementing a ShareGroup integration any time soon? (I don't currently use iPhoto or Aperture, so I'm not sure where I'll land with that mess. All I know is my photos are on a server and I have a lot of them, so I'm not sure that iPhoto is an option.)
Ideally, what I'd like to do is setup an album in iPhoto/Aperture, create a new album under a ShareGroup, and then start the upload process. The reason I'd like to use ShareGroups is so that I can pass a single secret URL to my family and give them a one stop shop for all of their photo browsing needs.
If nothing is on the horizon in this space, I'll probably start with plan B. What I'd do is leverage the SmugMug API to upload my new photos via a nightly CRON job. It would find the new photos on my local system, create a date-based album, associate it with a ShareGroup, and upload the photos to the proper album.
I'd prefer to go with an integrated solution so my albums can be a little more event specific and so I could do some minor editing before uploading. It is enticing to go with the fully automated plan B I describe above, however.
I can offer some help in coding such an integrated solution, although I only have real quality experience with Ruby. I'm planning to learn Objective-C/Cocoa to mess with an iPhone app idea, but I'm not there yet...