Utah's Dixie!
Having fun tonight.

8s F/4 ISO200 10mm

8s F/4 ISO200 14mm
Fun with the Multiple Exposure setting in the D300

No awards winners, just some snap shots. Took the LF out, but wont know how it turned out for a while.:D

8s F/4 ISO200 10mm

8s F/4 ISO200 14mm
Fun with the Multiple Exposure setting in the D300

No awards winners, just some snap shots. Took the LF out, but wont know how it turned out for a while.:D
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Looks like fun to me too.
Now at the risk of sound dumb, I'm going to ask ... is Dixie a town or a person ? or am I totally off the track here
I like the first Shot too
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
So we have been referred to as Utah's 'Dixie'.
It was almost a full moon, and with the clouds lit up, it was kinda cool.
By extension then, the "Dixie" part of UT would be referring to the southern part of that state.
BTW - It's not a dumb question, but rather a request for information to which you had not yet been exposed - that's intelligence in action!
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since the pioneer days its been refered to as utahs dixie since being so far south of utah settlements (mainly salt lake city)....
even the college masscot/ name is the "dixie rebels"...(though thats soon to change since them damn yankees from U of U have taken over.....)
looks like you cleaned up the d300?
Yeah, so far. I do like it. Its fustrating when I see such awesome pictures on this site with all your digital images and mine after 3 weeks of owning it look so bad.
I'll most likely take the 300 to Costa Rica next month, then maybe see what I still think then.
I noticed spots in the first pic, but I hope them are just the stars.
My Shots