How much to charge for a single photo?

The alumni relations center where I work (Valparaiso University) wants to use a photo or two of my shots of the University Pep Band from a game in which they encouraged several alumni to play in the band...
...problem is, I don't know what to charge on a per picture basis for giving them rights to photos I've already taken. I've never done this.
Knowing that I'm not a full this is my career pro but also not a newbie at taking photos either, what should I charge?
EDIT: If you would prefer not to say what you've charged for rights to single shots on here, you may feel to free to PM me. Thanks.
...problem is, I don't know what to charge on a per picture basis for giving them rights to photos I've already taken. I've never done this.
Knowing that I'm not a full this is my career pro but also not a newbie at taking photos either, what should I charge?
EDIT: If you would prefer not to say what you've charged for rights to single shots on here, you may feel to free to PM me. Thanks.
Since you work there, did you take the pics for any work related aspect? Did you shoot them while "on the clock" if you will? If so, looks to me like they should have access to them.
Did they issue you "field credentials" as a courtesy? If so, you might want to take that kindness into account, for without it, you probably wouldn't even been allowed to take any field level shots.
I'd take this info into account, then price as you feel is fair.
I work as a network administrator at Valparaiso University, so my taking of photographs was after hours and not any part of my job description (or department). I was never issued any field credentials, being a known person on campus I am able to sit on the sidelines during games... although the pictures they want are not of the game play, but of the pep band (which I also often play in, so I'd been taking pictures of my fellow pep banders during the half of the game I shoot pictures for).
The thing is I don't know any guidelines to "price as I see is fair" as anytime I've been contracted to do a photoshoot it was priced for my time to shoot... not for a picture I'd already taken that someone wanted licensing to.
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Thanks while that would probably be an awesome book to add to my collection... I unfortunately do not have the luxury of time to order, receive and read it... they want to get the photo in publication rather quickly (yay and argh) so my timing to figure out what to ask for is very limited ;_;
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I looked at your website and you have some gorgeous photos.
as I considered your question, I looked at what you charge for prints. Thirty-nine cents for a 4x6 tells me that you don't value your work very much. (I think that is a shame - by the way - because you have some beautiful work!)
Perhaps you should consider trading the usage rights (this one time) to the alumni relations folks for a very clear photo credit that would drive alumni to your website. I would even try for a mention in the accompanying article to go along with a caption credit. Then... I'd raise my print prices if I were you!
Just my $0.02. Good luck.
I shoot pictures of college students who have no money, it's not that I don't value my work, it's that most people who look at my prints don't have the money for my work (and rarely purchase even at those prices!) Also as far as basketball is concerned this was my first year EVER shooting basketball... so it's not like I can boast "mad skills" though I certainly have learned a lot
Anyhoo... the guy in charge is very insistent that I must name my price, I asked what the "going rate" was and he didn't want to undercut me (or overpay me either I guess) but yeah... he wants me to name a price which makes it all the more stressful, heh.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, keep it coming.
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Specific enough?
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Thanks this is very useful. If anyone else has random ball park figures I can provide to them I plan to take all amounts suggested and then round them off to the average price suggested
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However if they "ask" you to shoot something else for them in the future then you should be setting up prices based on your time and what they want.
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The University is starting up some talks for ~20" prints of a few of my shots and I'm looking in the $75-$125 range depending on if they want digitals, etc. Doesn't matter what the size I'd like to have my name and/or website on it.
Another theory I've been toying with is... how much does that new piece of gear cost, and price accordingly. Think of it like bartering, a flash for a photo. Within reason, of course.
Best of luck and tell us what you decide on (please)
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
I could see $150 min - $600 max
I am fairly certain it is going in their university magazine which is sent out to alumni with news about what is going on here:
Last time when I "donated" photos to get my name out, I had pictures of the new president-elect (two photos in the actual print magazine) used:
Size that it's going to be printed? I would guess no bigger than my hand or a half a page max... it's probably just going to be talking about alumni support of university events such as the games in which they had alumni fill the pep band during breaks for ESPN games. It was a big deal that so many alumni came to help.
Yes the photo was already taken.
And yes, last time I "donated" photos my name was on the photos used in print. This time they are very insistent on wanting to compensate me for usage of my photography.
Thanks again for the varied recommendations!
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"This is the Alumni Relations "Alumni News" newsletter. It mails to around 30,000 alumni and friends of the university. Let me know please as soon as you can, I will need to get your pricing approved by the AR office before moving forward."
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Yeah does that include FREE college news letters or just paid subscriptions to magazines and newspapers.
I think ya'll are just putting way, way to much thought into the price of the picture. It was a candid shot that he took on his own, some one saw it, liked it, had the right people in it and thought it would be great in the FREE Alumi newletter sent out.
I mean really would you charge your own employer $150-$600 for a picture you took at a company softball game for fun that going to run in the company news letter sent to all the employees??
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Anyway, I asked for 75 a photo.
I'm quite certain they normally pay a LOT more for their photos for the pro's that regularly shoot, but I'm trying to get my foot in the door so I am starting at that amount in hopes of getting future gigs....
Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
(also the rumor is that they might be asking for 2 photos, so 75 x 2 = 150 in my pocket)
Gotta wait for response now to see how that goes, but should be ok I'm hoping.
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Yes. And I have.
Are they paying to print copies of the newsletter to go to all the employees?
Yes. Nothing is free.
First of all they said they were going to pay for it. Second they expect improved morale and hence a gain in productivity and financial reward on the back end for sending out that newsletter. Companies put stuff like this into their budget for a reason. School is a business too; they are just using the newsletter for a slightly different purpose.
The free part of this is not relevant, by the way. Colleges use these "free" newsletters to keep the alumini in touch and engaged with their alma mater. And this tends to keep them donating money long after they have graduated. Don't be fooled into thinking they don't profit from the newsletter just because you can't see a direct link in the money chain.
A former sports shooter
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There's a reason why Gift Development and Alumni Relations are usually tied to the same budget in a University.
Businesses spend money on publications and projects only if there is a goal related to the bottom line: to fundraise ($), build customer or employee loyalty ($), or as thinly veiled advertisements ($).
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Free magazine is a euphemism for EXPENSIVE AD.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Exactly. In my prior biz career I spent my years dealing with government and education. Considering it is their 150th Anniversary I'd bet they are garnering more fund-raised monies (grants and donations) from school pride than normal. And they ARE going to spend it. The writing is all over the wall on this one. She's dealing the the decision maker and he's getting his money from AR.
Anyway, the guy gave this much time to decide, I think you would have been able to haggle with him on the spot in a 2 minute conversation for the highest claudermilk posted to the lowest...
Good luck and I hope you get some more work out of it.
I don't know about the college you graduated from, but typically the "free" Alumni newsletter includes subtle (or not so) suggestions to make donations to the school and/or Alumni association.
So, while there isn't a paid subscription as such, you can virtually guarantee there will be money raised.
$75 each seems reasonable considering the circumstances.
And that's what I've been saying from the start, HELLO?!?!
If they hired him to shoot head shots of Dept Heads for the news letter then yeah he should be chargeing them standard rates as it was a contracted job, I belive I also said that too.
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
Wow conversation here really heated up a lot since I last posted!!
But yeah, I am asking what I'm asking since under the present circumstances it seems like my best bet and I'd really like them to consider me for more shots in the future.
But yeah as everyone says, we are preparing for our 150th anniversary at the university so a photo of alumni playing in the pep band is a pretty big deal... let us also consider that in order to GET alumni to show up to the pep band for that ESPN game that they offered the incentive of a ton of free pizza and drinks to all alumni who did come (in addition to feeding the band)... this money coming just from the alumni association, not even the department that is actually publishing their newsletter.
But yeah they have rather nice budgets for things that will in return bring them back more money in donations
Valpo funds buildings based on donations for example, tuition just pays for basic educational needs (staffing, faculty and such), all else is donations.
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This is the amount you have posted on your Smugmug site for a commercial license.
Well then I'll fix that.
I haven't sold licenses before, so obviously no one looks on my website for those...
EDIT: licenses updated
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Probably not, I don't know. The question was asked what was a reasonable amount. OK, here's a reasonable amount pulled from a commonly-used tool rather than a number out of my butt. It's a starting point. I notice the fee asked for was $75 which is probably about where I'd have put it considering the quote tool's information and the specific situation. Seems more than fair. Remember, the college is said to be insisting on paying for it, and likely expect to pay the going rate.
Sam (the wise man) always manages to ZOOM in on some aspect of our business behavior that's stoopid. What's both irritating and humbling is that he's usually spot-on in his observations. How does he do that??? And Sam, you gotta have way too much time on your hands.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
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