What happened with the captioning in full-screen slideshow mode?

I inquired here on March 17 about the fact that full-screen slide shows NO LONGER have captioning. I consider that loss far greater than the cosmetic change gain of providing a scroll of thumbnails at the bottom of the viewing window. I fear the thundering silence in response to my plea, gives me no reason to hope. Tell me I am wrong, Andy. (scooter78666)
Hi Scooter, I acknowldeged you immediately:
Please have patience. Our team is looking long and hard at this. Thanks again for telling us how important this is for you. We really appreciate your patience on this.
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Andy, I am really happy with the captioning option you guys designed into SmugMug. I get lots of comments about my pics with captioning. Your team came through big on this one. Thanks a million!
San Marcos, Texas
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