Changes Not Good
Hi I`ve been gone about two weeks and find unpleasing changes have taken place during that time.
Upon my return I immediately noticed two unpleasant surprises.
First my thumbs are square which means they are chopped off on two sides.
Secondly my slide show is no longer full screen.
Can I still use things as they were and disregard the new way? Thanks. Bob
Upon my return I immediately noticed two unpleasant surprises.
First my thumbs are square which means they are chopped off on two sides.
Secondly my slide show is no longer full screen.
Can I still use things as they were and disregard the new way? Thanks. Bob
Regarding the square thumbs:
Yes, it's a new feature:
New galleries have the "square thumbs" option defaulted to "yes", but
you can change that for your galleries by creating a quick setting .
Here's how:
1) Go to your customize gallery settings and change the "square thumbs"
option to "no". The option you're looking for is in the "Look & Feel"
section. Here's how to find those settings:
2) Make a quick settings template with your favorite settings and use
this template when making new galleries. More on quick settings here: If you are on a Mac, and
use the MacDaddy uploader, you can also set the square thumbs to 'no' as
you create your gallery:
If you'd like to undo the square thumbs on the photos you just uploaded,
here's how:
1) Go to your customize gallery settings and change the "square thumbs"
option to "no". Here's how to find those settings:
2) Use a bulk tool like rotating, first left and then right. This will
generate new, non-square thumbnails. If you are a pro, add or remove watermarks will do it. Oh and you can simply use "zoom thumbnail" under photo tools, to do just one thumbnail, also.
3) Having trouble? We'll be happy to "un-square" any galleries for you.
Just point us to the gallery and we'll undo it.
Remember: If you do not want square thumbs, be sure this feature is set
to "no" for your new galleries before
you upload your images.
Thanks for the unvarnished feedback, we wouldn't have it any other way.
We'll take your feedback, and consider it with all the rest.
Oh P.S.: other new features:
You can subscribe to our release notes via the feed.
Sorry for any hassle this caused you. Please let us know if we can
assist with the
un-thumbing, or if you have questions about the quicksettings template.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thank you Andy. Will you please fix this for me. My skills are very limited.
The new (nautical ) gallery is the only one needing correction. If you will disable square thumbs for me and return things to normal I will be most appreciative. Also any setting you can enable that will prevent this in the future will be helpful as well.
Is there a way to retain the fullscreen slideshow? If so please enable that also. Once again I will be delighted to have things back to normal. Thanks and take care. Bob
Thank you Andy. Will you please fix this for me. My skills are very limited.
The new (nautical ) gallery is the only one needing correction. If you will disable square thumbs for me and return things to normal I will be most appreciative. Also any setting you can enable that will prevent this in the future will be helpful as well.
Is there a way to retain the fullscreen slideshow? If so please enable that also. Once again I will be delighted to have things back to normal. Thanks and take care. Bob[/quote]
Hi Bob,
I fixed the thumbs in your nautical gallery for you. Your slideshow button is there.
For any new galleries that you create, be sure before you upload any images to it, that you turn off the square thumbs in the gallery settings. See Andy's instructions above
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