Losing My Level

charlesoutcaltcharlesoutcalt Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
edited March 30, 2008 in Accessories
No, I don't mean that title literally!

Here's my issue: I bought a couple of those spirit levels that mount into your hotshoe to tell you at a glance whether your camera is on the level. They're great, and I really appreciated using them, especially when trying to line up panoramas.

Two weeks ago, I had two of them. Now, I have none. Why? Because they are so darned loose in the hotshoe that they fall right out. Somewhere between here, Mexico and California are two little spirit levels. :cry

I feel like a litterer, and a chump, since they're about $40/each.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to make them stay in? I really don't want to mess up my hotshoe by taping them in, and putting tape over them would obscure the level. I can't afford to keep buying them, either. . .


  • 20DNoob20DNoob Registered Users Posts: 318 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    Perhaps an elastic wound around the base once attached of it or some gaffers tape. Maybe even better, some silicone/teflon tape wrapped around the attaching bit of the level prior to installation.

    5D2/1D MkII N/40D and a couple bits of glass.
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited March 21, 2008
    Most camera shoe mounts are flat on top so I just use a "bullseye level", found in many hardware stores and lumber yards for a few dollars. I keep it in my pocket or in the camera bag as needed. It would not be hard to adapt any of these small levels with a "cap keeper" device should you feel the need.

    (I don't recommend the following site. It is used only to represent the type of product.)


    I do recommend B&H:

    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • RobinivichRobinivich Registered Users Posts: 438 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    Well, I was almost ready to reply "tape" when I read that last bit, if it's just a matter of fit, you might try some wadding, as simple as getting some tissue paper in there first, so you've got some more friction to work with. I've got a "double bubble level" that fits very snugly in my XT's hot shoe, could it just be a question of difference in brand? I first came across these levels in a local store here in Canada, and the first try worked just fine.

    I think they're made by one of the tripod companies, but they're branded, or at least sold in the name of, just about every company that sells photo equipment. Here's one branded Opteka: http://www.amazon.com/Opteka-Double-Bubble-Digital-Cameras/dp/B000YJ2Q9U

    Is this the type you were having trouble with? It takes a surprising amount of effort for me to get one off my XT hot shoe, and these things are way cheaper than $40
  • charlesoutcaltcharlesoutcalt Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    Good ideas all around!
    Thanks for the quick and helpful ideas. I will try some silicone tape. I think that what they call 'plumber's tape' should do the job. I'll get a cap keeper, too. That will be handy for taking the level off when I need the flash.

    I can't believe I paid almost $40 for these levels when they are on Amazon for $12.95! At least now I can get a couple spares for the same $40.

    Thanks all around.
  • 20DNoob20DNoob Registered Users Posts: 318 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    'plumber's tape'

    Yup, that's the stuff.

    5D2/1D MkII N/40D and a couple bits of glass.
  • RobinivichRobinivich Registered Users Posts: 438 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    Thanks for the quick and helpful ideas. I will try some silicone tape. I think that what they call 'plumber's tape' should do the job. I'll get a cap keeper, too. That will be handy for taking the level off when I need the flash.

    I can't believe I paid almost $40 for these levels when they are on Amazon for $12.95! At least now I can get a couple spares for the same $40.

    Thanks all around.

    Frankly I just used amazon as an example, I wouldn't pay over around $10 for them, I got one for $7.95 Canadian in a store. (I also wouldn't really use amazon either rolleyes1.gif)

    I am a bit surprised that it fell out, what camera are you shooting?
  • claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    I would use tape myself. Specifically gaffer's tape. It is set up to not leave goo all over everything and sticks well enough to do the job. I have a couple of small pieces making certain my eyepiece extender stays in place and the diopter dial cannot get moved by accident. A small piece across the back of the hotshoe ought to keep things in place.
  • lightyearlightyear Registered Users Posts: 185 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    I saaw a photographer recently with the double level who had drilled a tiny hole and threaded a nylon line through it, with a large (2" diameter)plastic yellow disc attached. He said it made the level easy to find in his bag, and also hard to lose if it fell off. I may now do that too.
  • gryphonslair99gryphonslair99 Registered Users Posts: 182 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    No, I don't mean that title literally!

    Here's my issue: I bought a couple of those spirit levels that mount into your hotshoe to tell you at a glance whether your camera is on the level. They're great, and I really appreciated using them, especially when trying to line up panoramas.

    Two weeks ago, I had two of them. Now, I have none. Why? Because they are so darned loose in the hotshoe that they fall right out. Somewhere between here, Mexico and California are two little spirit levels. :cry

    I feel like a litterer, and a chump, since they're about $40/each.

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to make them stay in? I really don't want to mess up my hotshoe by taping them in, and putting tape over them would obscure the level. I can't afford to keep buying them, either. . .

    I don't know what tripod you use, but for the price of the two levels that you have lost and the price of replacing them, have you considered a leveling center column instead. Mine was about $120 for my Manfrotto 3021B Pro legs and it is real hard to loose.
  • rpcrowerpcrowe Registered Users Posts: 733 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2008
    Levels are cheap...
    eBay has a selection of levels at relatively inexpensive prices. This one is ten bucks with free shipping.


    if you are stuck and need a level quickly - RV supply stores sell bubble levels that are used to ensure the refrigerators are level. They don't have a hotshoe adaptor, just a flat bottom. But, they work.
  • charlesoutcaltcharlesoutcalt Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
    edited March 27, 2008
    I really appreciate all the good advice you all have given. I'm going to get a couple of these (from one of the cheaper sources), then use silicone tape to keep them where they belong!
  • Slinky0390Slinky0390 Registered Users Posts: 236 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2008
    HOT GLUE!!! rolleyes1.gif
    Canon eos 30d; EF 17-40 f/4.0L; EF 24-85mm f/3.5; EF 50mm f/1.4; EF 70-200mm f/4.0L; Unicorns of various horn lenghts
  • eL eSs VeeeL eSs Vee Registered Users Posts: 1,243 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2008
    I think Ziggy has the best idea; Cap Keeper. Adhere it to the level and wrap the band around the lens.

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