Question by PM

You have been quite a help on the SmugMug page - thanks!
I was looking at your services and wondered what you mean when you include a digital file for your customers. Is that a series of photos; or one digital image...what size is it...I'm asking as I am trying to settle on what to include as well in 'packages' of service. Up til now I pretty much give my stuff away - wanting to make a change! any advice would be nice!
Hi! We do it all in the open here, no PMs, because the questions benefit all, and all can also answer, so you learn even more!
I give dig files to my clients, as part of various packages. Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's many, it really depends on the client. They're all licensed for personal use only. I will typically sell the digital file at a low-ish resolution and I will only do so when they've purchase a package of some sort from me (sitting fee, prints, etc etc).