Banner Question
I have added a banner and it appears when I preview customization. It also is appears when I'm in the edit mode adding photos or galleries. However, when viewed on the web, by an outsider, the banner doesn't appear. It is a banner I only seem to see.
I've followed the tutorial and checked the code multiple times--it is exact.
So, what will cause me to see the banner, but nobody else?
I've followed the tutorial and checked the code multiple times--it is exact.
So, what will cause me to see the banner, but nobody else?
And make sure you didn't hide the photo.
My Website index | My Blog
That is the problem. Now I have to figure out how to unlock it.
My Website index | My Blog
Hi Folks,
I've got a banner I'm working on, and would like to add the "powered by SmugMug" image to the end of it, with it linking to my referral code.
How do I do this? And is this allowed? (It's just that I love smuggy!)
TIA for any help!
I've finally figured out how to put the "powered by SmugMug" logo that appears on dgrin on my own site, but is this allowed? I don't want to break any rules.
Many thanks!