Standing Tall On The Prairie

This is the KVLY station in Blanchard, ND. (Silver structure) It is the tallest man made structure in the world as of today. Standing at 2,063 feet. The Warsaw Radio Mast was the tallest till it collapsed in 1991. That stood at
2,121 feet. Dubai is building a free standing structure now and when finished it will stand at 2,297 feet.
This photo was taken on a very windy cold day. So I just drove up, hopped out of the car and snapped a quick photo not taking the time to set up my tripod. I do hope to return there this summer when the field by it is planted and there are some nice clouds in the sky. And wind
2,121 feet. Dubai is building a free standing structure now and when finished it will stand at 2,297 feet.
This photo was taken on a very windy cold day. So I just drove up, hopped out of the car and snapped a quick photo not taking the time to set up my tripod. I do hope to return there this summer when the field by it is planted and there are some nice clouds in the sky. And wind

height out of the photo. Good news is nearly none of the photos I see on the
net are getting much better than what you have here.
as the compiment it is meant to be.
So this structure is roughly 500 feet taller than the CN tower in Canada.
For perspective I had to look at the CN tower. Hope this link is ok?
The photo you linked to shows off it's height with the buildings next to it. I wish I was so lucky to have that next to the tower photo I took. Hopefully with the fields planted and maybe me standing someplace else it may help show the size of this one. I took a few photos from the main road, but the tower gets lost in the sky so easy.
The guide wires were of interest to me as there are so many and they are so thick. There were only three sets of them---none posted SE for support. Just South, Northeast and Northwest.
Thank you for taking a look - and the compliment
That has me wondering now....who does change the light?
Hmmmmm my aerial is just 2,033 feet shorter than that one
How come they don't just use a dish? I know nothing about these things,
or do dishes and towers do different things ???
Thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Oh your so right...the wind sometimes never stops. Right now it's gusting to 29...calmed down some from earlier
And Skippy...I don't know why they don't use a satellite dish
Hello PUREVIL in Minot---hows the weather up there
Hope you get a chance to see it.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
We had the wind to...nasty stuff. And you have sun :cry we don't. But I did get out yesterday in all the wind to snap a few photos from the car. Even got an Eagle sitting in a field