STP03BlueSi Photoshoot St. Pete grand prix Track.
Day 1 was a rain out. Sorry about not having a 2nd location to shoot at but about 95% of the garages in Downtown St. Pete charge.
Actually so go I got a sunburn
Day 2 - 2 Cars showed up, 4 Photographers, and a crowd.
Little PS work

Some arnt my greatest work, but I have been getting over a cold
And this is just day 2 of 4 of these shoots.

Actually so go I got a sunburn
Day 2 - 2 Cars showed up, 4 Photographers, and a crowd.
Little PS work

Some arnt my greatest work, but I have been getting over a cold

And this is just day 2 of 4 of these shoots.

Sorry I don't drift..but do take the photos.
I like image No. 3 ... your little Gold Car is quite photogenic I must say
Hope your over your cold soon, and don't forget when your out in the sun remember the 3 simple rules.
Slip on a Shirt
Slop on Sunscreen &
Slap on a hat
Keep posting won't you
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks #3 I was actually on my longboard going in the other direction shooting while he was moving:D