Dgrin, meet Viktoriia, sweet Ukrainian young woman who's trying to make her living in LA working as a model. I met her at LA Fashion show, we "clicked", she was in desperate need of some portfolio material, so I offered my help free of charge. For me it was a good chance to test my new studio/lights in action.
We had a very nice relaxed shoot this Saturday. It ended up a bit shorter than we planned (no sunset shots) due to some unforseen emergency situation :dunno , but we still had two solid hours of shooting, which gave us enough time to try both low-key and high-key scenarios.
I know I made a few mistakes here and there, but overall I'm fairly pleased with the results. And, most importantly, so is Vika, whose first response was "I'm blown away" - and that's after seeing only SOOC drafts.
Anyway, I spent few hours today cleaning up the results. 250+ pics were culled down to 14, and few of those I'm glad to share here:-)
1: This is Vika:
2: We're just starting up, but already having fun
3: Later in the shoot..:
4: Going for "sad":
5: After an hour or so of shooting we decided that we had enough low key material and switched to bikini/high-key mode:
6. Another high-key, closeup:
7: What's the purpose of having cooperating bikini-clad model and the pool and do not use them together;-)?
8: Finally, we went for some abstract:
The rest of the final results are here:
Hope you enjoyed it, 'cause I most certainly did! :wink
We had a very nice relaxed shoot this Saturday. It ended up a bit shorter than we planned (no sunset shots) due to some unforseen emergency situation :dunno , but we still had two solid hours of shooting, which gave us enough time to try both low-key and high-key scenarios.
I know I made a few mistakes here and there, but overall I'm fairly pleased with the results. And, most importantly, so is Vika, whose first response was "I'm blown away" - and that's after seeing only SOOC drafts.
Anyway, I spent few hours today cleaning up the results. 250+ pics were culled down to 14, and few of those I'm glad to share here:-)
1: This is Vika:
2: We're just starting up, but already having fun
3: Later in the shoot..:
4: Going for "sad":
5: After an hour or so of shooting we decided that we had enough low key material and switched to bikini/high-key mode:
6. Another high-key, closeup:
7: What's the purpose of having cooperating bikini-clad model and the pool and do not use them together;-)?
8: Finally, we went for some abstract:
The rest of the final results are here:
Hope you enjoyed it, 'cause I most certainly did! :wink
"May the f/stop be with you!"
It's funny how sometimes the simplest setups may work the best huh?
I really liked this photo she is a pretty girl, but even the prettiest girls can use a little help.
Hope you don't mind...this is how she looks with her skin cleaned up a bit.
Thank you for commenting!
I made a conscious decision to not go for a bardie/plastic look, tried to stay as much au naturel as possible
Just my opinion of course... but when shooting portfolio shots for models fixing their skin is important so they will look their best.
But maybe this is what she asked for???
Yet, as I mentioned, this was a a conscious decision..
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Ain't the overexposure a driving idea in high-key?
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
The shades of the image determine high key, not overexposure.
High key is when [most] of the values are above middle gray on the histogram. Doesn't mean you have to or don't have to overexpose. I don't mind that it's overexposed but I can't see her stomach or half of her arms.
All of the following are just my opinions, so take them for what they may be worth...
#1, #2 - The light from camera right is a little hot. Maybe, next time, move it a little closer and turn it down a touch - this will soften it a touch.
#2 - Not really liking the racoon-eyes affect you have going here - the light too far behind her? But, I like the pose - looks like she's nice and relaxed!
#5, #6 - Not really into the way you have her (or she has herself) wrapped around herself. The poses are just too closed for my taste, like she's trying to hide something or she's not quite comfortable - just the impression I'm getting. Additionally, the "hugging herself" posture closes her shoulders down (rounds them forward).
#7 - This is really nice. Love the pose and the lithe light on her. The DOF is nicely controlled - throwing the water OOF, but not too much. The glare/reflection next to her head is not in the best location though.
#8 - The abstract - cool effect. Maybe get rid of (or make B/W) the spot in the lower left corner? Get rid of think in 4th pane down, left side? Close the white gash in 3rd pane, right side?
Did I enjoy looking at your work? Oh yeah - learned some things from you, yet again!
Thanks so much for sharing.
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As for the skin touch-up. You did a great job, I think you can go even a bit softer on her forehead to get rid of the lighter spots. Overdoing is always sooo easy, but see if you can maybe stamp some of the areas out.
For what it's worth, this all is only PP effect. IRL ther a more or less normally exposed, at least for a RAW. Here's an "as is" sample:
As it's easy to see, I have enough latitude to make her whole body totally visible. The final result is simply "how I see it".
I agree. Too much power on the hairlight, plus wrong position of the hairlight. One of those mistakes. But I too liked the pose, so I decided to include it in this showcase...:-)
That was her first ever "bikini shoot", so it may be very well possible that she was not comfortable. However, I personally think it delivers the "implied" intention I was going for....;-)
This whole thing was a total improptu. She asked for the outside shots, I was already in a hurry for the aforementioned little emergency, sun was totally not in a good position, I didn't have time to meter anything, so I just grabbed 580, put it on a cord, set it to 1/8 manual and started shooting holding camera in one hand and flash in another...
Thank you! I actually like the color patches, I guess tastes differ...
Thank you very much, appreciate detailed friendly C&C!
Also, unsure if you made the fotos look 'softer' on purpose by a soft filter or something on PS or simply using F1.2-1.8 the whole time , but some of them look very soft lacking the ever so crisp detail it could be having.
My favorites:
Good frame!
Another good frame!
The shots you took at the pool could use more lighting! Try placing the flash way far away or having a diffuser to diffuser the light over her entire body evenly.
The high-key shots have a lot of contrast, maybe its just me, but a lot of the subject's skin tones are blown out, but then again, I think you did that on purpose, haha, but it does work, I just have to wear sunglasses to stare at it longer , jk.
Cool beans though! What kind of home-made concoctions did you use on this shoot?
Thank you, Agnieszka! Forehead was indeed a problem, we knew about it. We were planning to have a mua, but it didn't work out. And this being my first usage of those lights I wasn't well aware of all the possible side effects.
Oh well, we're learning, right? ;-)
In fact, there was one!
If you check this thread, you will see my low-key setup:
One main light with 3x4 shoftbox, one golden reflector on the other side and one hairlight with the snoot.
I mostly softened things up in ACR/PS. I was shooting at f/5.6 all the time.
I agree. Yet, as I already explained, this was totally in spur of the moment, so it was what it was....
I did, I did:-) I wanted this to be like that. However, this was also my first ever high-key attempt (never had enough light -power before), so natually some adjustments are to be made...
Thanks! Nothing out of the ordinary (granted my liqour cabinet is stocked better than some of the bars:-)
For what it's worth this is my favorite shot! LoL!