Broom Handle

This is a picture of our broom leaning up against our house after a snow storm, I don't know what compelled me to take the shot or why I like it so much. :dunno Anyways, as you can tell I played around with it in photoshop and thought I would share since I hardly ever post any pics on here. Thanks for looking.
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
See Posting a Pic on Dgrin for help.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Ha! Sorry about that, I wasn't having troubles I just forgot to post the image. (It's been a VERY long holiday weekend)
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
Its certainly different and I know what you mean when you say, "I don't know why I took it", I have a few of those in my album and when I come across one I always wonder why its there???
Thanks for sharing