What kind of imagery are viewers most likely to pay for?
Minding my own business: What kind of imagery are viewers most like to purchase? I want my artistry to generate commerce / cash flow. I also recognize that the premise of the average viewers own line experience is to get everything for free. With that being said, everyone is willing to pay for something. What kind of imagery would entice the average male viewer to load up the shopping cart and at what price for 'digital downloads' or prints?
I believe the future of 'salacious imagery' will be deeply rooted in the 'web experience', not print. I would like to profit from that transition and the ensuing tidal wave of consumers. I'm talking 'cash flow' and not trying to appeal to or offend anyone's sensibilities. Let's keep the discussion on 'capitalism' and profiting in the world of 'digital imagery' as viewers of Maxim, FHM, Playboy, etc. transition completely to the 'online experience'...!
I believe the future of 'salacious imagery' will be deeply rooted in the 'web experience', not print. I would like to profit from that transition and the ensuing tidal wave of consumers. I'm talking 'cash flow' and not trying to appeal to or offend anyone's sensibilities. Let's keep the discussion on 'capitalism' and profiting in the world of 'digital imagery' as viewers of Maxim, FHM, Playboy, etc. transition completely to the 'online experience'...!
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
What do you mean when you say there is so much free stuff on the web and that it would be hard to compete with Google? Are you referring to high quality porn 'still images' or what kind of images are your referring to?
On a side note, there's this amazing open source program called dWall that rotates them automagically every few hours for me.
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
What's with the big font??
Well google image Met Art (Iga is way hot) or Body In Mind (Klaudia is to die 4) to start with and see for yourself. I could pay for high res images but I can get images up to 1200x1600 free on the net. And that's more then enough for any desktop image. But there are plenty of people who will pay for pr0n, it is a +$14 billion industry just in the US (2006) and close to $100 billion world wide annually.
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
If there were an easy answer to your question, we'd all be out shooting those images and reaping our fortunes.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
salacious (suggestive of or tending to moral looseness)
salacious (characterized by lust)
Now I get it ... but I'm still not clear on the op's orignal question. Sounds to me like he just bought a new camera and now he wants to make a lot of money quickly with his new found "artistry" (in large font none the less)
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
that's a lot of quotes.
I agree with the guy above me though... it sounds like you're new to photo and looking to make a quick buck.
Whether or not that's true, try and figure out what you can do with what's around you. Depending on where you live may determine the amount of women that are willing to do your solacious shoots, as you put it.
Yes, there is plenty of it already online, but it is a market that will be there a while. However, you may have trouble making a lot of cash-flow in what is a very saturated market place.
I'm not trying to offend you in any way, I'm just saying, you stand to make muchhh more money shooting elementary school photos for parents to purchase than attempting to shoot models for FHM, Maxim, and Playboy.
Well it's a well known fact that photograhpy is proven path to instant riches over night!!
But I'd love to see what images his artisty had inspired him to create to see if he's even on the correct salacious path. I'm always up for some artistic nudes and body parts.
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
Granted, I've only been around here for a year or so, but that is one of the weirdest posts I've read here.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged