Colors changing after switch to Mac and MkIII

With regards to this series, and frankly, other series that I've processed since switching from Windos to a MacBook Pro, and also switched from a 30D to a 1D MkIII. I've been shooting RAW since the 1D switch, too.
I know there are color ramifications to post processing using Mac vs. Windows, and also S-RGB vs. Adobe. I've read SmugMug's write-ups on color, but I still have a nagging feeling that my colors look less saturated once up on SmugMug vs. my Mac screen vs. prints I make myself on a Stylus Pro.
The image I link to above, for instance, looks looks less saturated, dull or pasty - I'm not sure how to say it. The side-by-side above is definitely showing the change. I'm pretty sure this is a color-space problem, but I'm pretty sure I'm S-RGB from camera to Lightroom to exported JPG. But if you tell me I must have missed a step somewhere, I'll go back and check again.
Thanks for any assistance.
Screenshot from my Mac

LEFT: Lightroom RIGHT: Firefox SmugMug

LEFT: Lightroom RIGHT: Firefox SmugMug
I know there are color ramifications to post processing using Mac vs. Windows, and also S-RGB vs. Adobe. I've read SmugMug's write-ups on color, but I still have a nagging feeling that my colors look less saturated once up on SmugMug vs. my Mac screen vs. prints I make myself on a Stylus Pro.
The image I link to above, for instance, looks looks less saturated, dull or pasty - I'm not sure how to say it. The side-by-side above is definitely showing the change. I'm pretty sure this is a color-space problem, but I'm pretty sure I'm S-RGB from camera to Lightroom to exported JPG. But if you tell me I must have missed a step somewhere, I'll go back and check again.
Thanks for any assistance.
This is a long, but imporant thread for you to read:
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Almost to the end of it, I had the idea to take a look at my gallery in Safari. I think the photo looks right! But the thumbnail looks washed out - is that possible? Is the color info embedded in the resized S, M, L, etc. sizes but not the thumbnail?
(ok - back to finishing that thread)
I have absolutely no idea what I should be doing different, and all the remarks like "what's normal?", "to whom?", etc. have basically stiffled any questions I might have because they sound too simplistic. I guess, "I just want it to work" is not a reasonable statement!?
I'll check back from time to time and see if anyone manages to come up with a suscinct, pragmatic response.