Daytona 2008 - Superbikes, Hot Dogs and Potato Chips
Ladyspons and jellyheads...!
AutoMotoPhoto and BLOG have been updated...You have been so patient! :rofl
AutoMotoPhoto and BLOG have been updated...You have been so patient! :rofl
AutoMotoPhoto® Motorcycle Racing Photography
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
So we get to see the lunch of champiions .... another great set, now i'm off to stock up on snags and chips...;)
David Clifford
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As always....WOW
Fav is #2...
also noting the 'andrew issue' of P/Shop User in #1
(I finally found it in Burbank....had hoped for mega 'wheeler workflow' secrets :cry but still a pleasure to see you featured - - and just your settings were worth the cover price!)
Hey's kinda hard to meetup afterwards as I'm either editing, or getting as far away from the area as possible...I rented a house 30 minutes away this year and for me it made going to Daytona tolerable. I didn't have to listen to people making noise just for the sake of it. In fact I slept from the time I went to bed until I had to get up. Total bliss.
If you come again next year do say hello....
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
Cool Rich!
That feature certainly brought some extra work, along with meeting some new people along the way. To think the original email that I received from PS User I thought was spam! I was quiet thrilled that they found and contacted me to be honest. Plus, the one thing that totally thrilled me was the shot of Hayden standing up on his bike at Laguna carrying the Stars and Stripes FINALLY getting into print. I personally love that shot, however, Honda couldn't use it because he didn't have his helmet on!
But still, it gave a lot of people something to be proud of that day....I'm British and felt a certain thrill about it!
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
There's plenty of room for different styles in my opinion ... Vive La Différence!
not only about photography but the place you're shooting. Tres Cool.
If you all get the chance check out the current issue of BIKE magazine (it's in Borders right now) and a feature I shot for them on Kenny Roberts #1 TZ750 flat's pretty cool.
If you like I can post some images from that shoot here...
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
flat track style. Beautiful bike. Guy said he though the owner might have
a big chunk of change invested in the work. Everything rebuilt. Top drawer.
And not a drop of oil below it. Really beautiful.
I'd have taken a couple of shots but it was wedged in between a number of
others at Alice's.
We have to meet.
This week I'm doing some assignment work for BIKE, here locally tomorrow and then day splitting testing with some work in SFO and down to Big Sur but anytime you want to come meet I'm game Ian.
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
OK. I'll PM you shortly.