SE: 10,000 hits!

Another milestone for Smugmug Explorer: 10,000 hits threshold passed!:clap
Not bad for a less than 4 months old app/site..:D
Thank yo'll for your support!:thumb
Not bad for a less than 4 months old app/site..:D
Thank yo'll for your support!:thumb
"May the f/stop be with you!"
_____:eat :slurp
SmugMug Support Hero
And, man, you gonna love the next release
I have an AMD 2.4 running XP that generally runs at about 500 kilobits (i did a test online so i assume thats downloading)
So how much faster will your system allow me to load photos to SM ?. Yep...i know that little about it all.
I hate to be the bad news bearer, but it seems that your primary bottleneck is your connection speed.
500Kbs download speed probably means that you have 128 Kbs upload speed max (I'm not sure how you do "thingz" in Oz, but in US home broadband services are mostly asymmetric, meaning that download speed is 5..10 times bigger than the upload one).
Of course, way better than dialup, but not a match for your new 20D..
However, while I cannot improve your connection speed, SE can actually smooth your uploading experience. Yes, it will still take time to upload, but the good news is - you don't have to be there all the time:-)
Here is what you can do:
- prepare categories/subcategories/albums - most recent version of SE can help you with that, too, and you can create a bunch at a time, rather than one at a time from SM web UI.
- select an album, add the files you want to upload to it (via Add files/folders or drag-n-drop)
- repeat step #2 for every album
- if you already have folders structure on your HDD that matches your SM categories/subcategories/abums one, you can also use "Auto Create Albums" feature instead of/in addition to ##2,3. It's an advanced one, but it can help a lot..
- Adjust order by sorting (anytime while doing steps2..4) if needed.
- Adjust captions (also any time) if needed.
- Once your albums and images are ready - hit the upload button, and let SE do its job. Even if it takes the whole night - why do you care?:-)
Something like that. Let me know if you have any questions.Cheers, mate!