boring question: need help sorting by filename

My file names are as follows:
Easter08Sunday 1
Easter08Sunday 2
etc... through 68
I have sort by "filenames"
I have them in "ascending" order
The photos are in completely random order. Easter08Sunday 1 is followed by Easter08Sunday 33.
How do I get them to be in order?
Thanks in advance for any help with this!
Easter08Sunday 1
Easter08Sunday 2
etc... through 68
I have sort by "filenames"
I have them in "ascending" order
The photos are in completely random order. Easter08Sunday 1 is followed by Easter08Sunday 33.
How do I get them to be in order?
Thanks in advance for any help with this!
Have you tried changing from ascending to descending and then switching back? If they're already all out of order it won't hurt to see if the system can rearrange them again, right?
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Thanks so much. Just tried your troubleshooting suggestion. Did not fix it. Thanks anyway!
Here's a place where Smugmug is a bit confusing. There are two places where you can set the sort. One is in the customize gallery screen. The other is in the photo tools menu when viewing the gallery. I'm guessing that you are setting the one in customize gallery. I'd suggest trying the one in the gallery tools menu. I believe the customize gallery setting affects newly added photos while the photo tools sort option affects photos already in the gallery.
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Thank you. I went to the Photo Tools "sort photos" and told it to sort by filename and in ascending order. Interestingly, the photo tools "sort photos" warning dialog told me that my gallery was set to sort by "position" which is not accurate. Anyway, I tried it. To no avail.
Thanks anyway though!
Any other ideas?
tools "sort photos" will work. Try sorting by filename and then by caption or
date under photo tools. Sometimes ya gota kick start it.:D
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Well, I tried the first idea and that did not work. Then I went to your other idea (just try random changes to kick-start it) and I saw one labeled "sort by date and time photo taken." I chose that option and sure enough, there they are in the correct order!
There must be some sort of wierd bug with this. But thanks a million!
There is no "bug" in the support forum! You guys are great!