? for macro shooters...what lens?
I'm in love with some of the macro photography shown on DG. If I were interesting in trying my hand at some macro, what lens should I be looking for? Is it possible to get similar outcomes with attachments? I want to shoot some bugs...help
I apologize if there is already a thread bouncing around here with this info already given :uhoh .
Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
A single photograph can tell an entire story and bring back a multitude of memories.
Here are a few links to get you started
What you decide depends on yor budget and your interests. Extension tubes are probably the cheapest way to start. Filter lens that your screw into the filter threads on the front of your lens are next. Then come the real macro lenses. Don't look at the 50 macros too long - they are cheaper for a reason. The 100mm or longer macros are generally preferred by almost all macro shooters except those who shoot coins and stamps - eg: flat, stationary objects. But for bugs and butterflies 100mm + is much better. More expensive, but much better.
When you have perused the threads above, come back and ask some more questions and we will try to answer you then. And you can join us in shooting macros too
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I've been really tempted, but with that one I'll definately need the specialty macro ring flash.
I agree that the MT-14EX may be very helpful with the lens you are discussing. The MP-E 65 does not AF as I understand it: you will probably need a focusing rail of some sort. Ad artificial light may be quite helpful.
I own a MT-14EX and am toying with selling it and replacing it - I'll keep you in mind if I decide to offer it for sale:):
These toys may be more expensive than Natalie is desiring in her question about macro. Extension tubes and 250D and 500D add on lenses may be more of interest to her right now. Maybe not, though
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The thing holding me back is that this is truly a specialty lens that I may not get enough use out of to justify the price.
Which they say is equivalent to the 100 mm macro on the 35mm format.
At less than 1/2 the price of the 65mm I thought this looks good. Available in the UK from April, so you've probably got it already. I will wait for some
Nikon and Canon both subsequently introduced longer macros - the Nikon 200 macro and the Canon 180 macro for very good reasons. They are much easier to use in the field with living, breathing, moving, easily frightened subjects. The 1.6 mag factor of the 20D aside, the longer lenses are the ones I prefer on my 20D. Just my opinion. YMMV
Sigma recently introduced a new 150mm f2.8macro HSM lens that I think is very interesting. The HSM might be a real help, since the longer macros tend to be slow at AF. I think it is about $600. Not too bad for a longer, faster macro. I would be very interested in anyone's experience with this lens. If this lens is sharp, I think it would be much handier than a 50 or 60mm lens.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I did a test with it at a trade show in Las Vegas, this is the minimum and maximum range you can use this lens in, with a camera with a 1.6x magnification factor.
my old post,
I was able to take a quick test with a 20D, 65mm dedicated Macro and Canon twinlite macro flash. This is a sweet system.
Here are the results with 20D 1.6x crop, full frame for this camera. These were one shot each, quick and hand held so don't go 100% on my focus. Sorry all I had were US coins, I can measure them later if you are not familar with their size.
At 1X.
At 5x
The L and O files are available, the O's are a bit large, just modify the URL, sorry I am on the run.
Patch, I would bet that the Canon MT-14EX ringlite works VERY WELL with this short focal length system, especially on flat stationary targets. It is not as good for the 180 and 200mm macro lenses due to the proximity of both light tubes to the axix of the lens.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
It probably would. I used the Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX, even the Canon reps like it more simply because you can reposition the flash heads to get a little more control. It would be fun to have the macro with this set up.
hey, i'm downsizing! i only have five hunks of glass presently (one of them is the canon 100mm macro)
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