Blue tits at the feeder
Here's my effort at catching blue tits. Shot at a feeder near my home on a cold very early spring day.

Pretty little fellows aren't they? :lust
Some more birds from the set right here.

Pretty little fellows aren't they? :lust
Some more birds from the set right here.
I have been trying for ages to get a decent shot of a blue tit, quite difficult cos they are very fast. I get most of my shots at a country park and put seeds on a fence post and set up a perch above that. Then if you are lucky they will land on the perch first and you can get a shot with a good clear background.
I also like the fourth where you have got the bird in flight. I know it is not totally sharp but I have tried many times and have got nowhere as clear as yours
If that doesn't get you a decent shot, put the camera on a tripod and sit at the other end of the cable release. And shooting birds is always going involve luck. Hard work and preparation can only be traded for some of it
Thanks! It's a bit of a rescue case I'll admit, but it's the best I've ever got of these little guys in flight
Thanks for the c&c Stan!
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Canon's not-quite-long-enough-really 100-400 L trombone.
I have never seen one before. I have tryed to capture the little birds around my house. It is very hard they move so fast! MM
— Lord Byron
I love that lens. Really nice shots of the tit! I wish I could see these one day.
It is a fine lens. As for spotting these birds, take a vacation to almost anywhere in Europe. Up where I live, in southern Finland, these little guys are chirping away in every other tree all year long.
And since we're talking about traveling, I'll have come to Florida and spot me a few Northern flickers that put holes in the side of the Space Shuttle once