Muslin Backgrounds

rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
edited April 10, 2008 in Accessories

I have NO IDEA where this post should go, so mods, please move if necessary.

Another photog called me last night to tell me that Amvona is having a sale on Muslin backgrounds. I have no idea if its a real sale or just reported as such.

Anyway, I ordered a couple of backgrounds (10x20=$67.00) and (10x16=$45.00), a background support system $71.00 and a 5-n-1 reflector $25.00.

I don't know the quality at this point although I'll let ya' know when they get here.

I've been needing some backgrounds but wasn't ready to shell out $175 and up on them at this time.

Anyway, thought I'd just give a heads up.


  • darkdragondarkdragon Registered Users Posts: 1,051 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2008
    The "clearance items" prices seem really good and low - but I'm not real familiar with these things either. Thanks for the link though :)
    ~ Lisa
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited March 28, 2008
    Thanks for the heads up! It will be good to hear your opinion once you
    get them.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • Rene`Rene` Registered Users Posts: 207 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2008
    Did you order white??
    What color did you order??? I have used white paper and a cheap white muslum.... I was about ready to go back to the paper.... but this white one might be better than mine.... keep us posted!!!

    rwells wrote:

    I have NO IDEA where this post should go, so mods, please move if necessary.

    Another photog called me last night to tell me that Amvona is having a sale on Muslin backgrounds. I have no idea if its a real sale or just reported as such.

    Anyway, I ordered a couple of backgrounds (10x20=$67.00) and (10x16=$45.00), a background support system $71.00 and a 5-n-1 reflector $25.00.


    I don't know the quality at this point although I'll let ya' know when they get here.

    I've been needing some backgrounds but wasn't ready to shell out $175 and up on them at this time.

    Anyway, thought I'd just give a heads up.
  • rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2008
    Rene` wrote:
    What color did you order??? I have used white paper and a cheap white muslum.... I was about ready to go back to the paper.... but this white one might be better than mine.... keep us posted!!!


    I ordered:

    Elite Solid Muslin (Solid Black) by Civichrome™
    Elite Muslin (Lagoon) by Civichrome™

    We'll see...
  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2008
    I use their background support systems, great quality stuff. Another company on Ebay has something similar to theirs but charge a good $30-50 more, Amvona's Dynatran line is outstanding when it comes to stands and such. I think I paid $85 shipped for mine. Def. a good buy. Doesnt droop on my canvas background, and its a heavy vinyl bg thats like 9x20, holds up well. On backgrounds on the other hand, I'm gonna' wait on your opinion on that.
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2008
    At times I have found a 10' wide background a tad narrow and a 20' long a tad last blk bg I bought the muslin (from local theatrical supply$1.85/yrd~13yrs ago now around $4/yd and I used a $5 exterior latex to paijnt it with so all in all I had less than $20 in my first blk muslin) and painted it was a 10' wide 24' long.....length was good but need more width.......mis-placed my shopping notes ...but found a 14 x 30 a little pricy at $338 but then I am again looking at a 10x24 again for $68 (i think was Adoramas price)..........I can make a 10footer work but...I do not like to work that hard with groups.....
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Rene`Rene` Registered Users Posts: 207 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2008

    I have a white muslin background. It photographs with a bluish tint. It was not really expenssive. Would you suggest painting it with white latex???

    I have a painted muslin that I bought at the tune of $200. I love it--No matter what kind of light you put on it. BTW, did you paint the back?


    Art Scott wrote:
    At times I have found a 10' wide background a tad narrow and a 20' long a tad last blk bg I bought the muslin (from local theatrical supply$1.85/yrd~13yrs ago now around $4/yd and I used a $5 exterior latex to paijnt it with so all in all I had less than $20 in my first blk muslin) and painted it was a 10' wide 24' long.....length was good but need more width.......mis-placed my shopping notes ...but found a 14 x 30 a little pricy at $338 but then I am again looking at a 10x24 again for $68 (i think was Adoramas price)..........I can make a 10footer work but...I do not like to work that hard with groups.....
  • Eric&SusanEric&Susan Registered Users Posts: 1,280 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2008
    I saw a post not to long ago over at POTN where people had ordered these and liked the quality of them. The only draw back ,acording to them, was that soemtimes the muslin colors you receive don't always match exactly what you ordered.

    "My dad taught me everything I know, unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows" Dale Earnhardt Jr

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  • rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2008

    I received most of my order from Amvona yesterday. This was my first dealing with them, and I must say I am less than impressed with the way they did business.

    They took 8 business days to even send my order out the door. That's totally unacceptable to me. I tried to call them on their customer support line and held one time for 25 minutes before giving up, the second time, a different day, I held for 12 minutes then gave up.

    I emailed customer support wanting a status on my order. They never even bothered to reply. My order arrived at my house 12 business days from when I ordered it, minus one of the backgrounds. The day after my order showed up at my house, I received an email stating that they couldn't ship the missing BG.


    The BG support system appears to be a good buy for the money.

    The black 10X20 BG is only 9' wide according to my tape measure. I did not measure the length. It is sheer. A lot thinner than I would have thought. I have not shot with it yet, but I did set it up on the support and with normal room lighting you can easily see the wall through it.

    The other photog that ordered a couple of BG's, his were not a solid color, but one with a "light spot" in the middle. The paint/dye job was pathetic. It was very splotchy and will either require painstaking touch-up, or to do so in PS.

    There you have it. Buy from Amvona at your own risk.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited April 9, 2008
    Wow! That's too bad and definitely not a good experience.

    Thank you for sharing that.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2008
    I never purchased muslins from amvona. However, thus far my experience with it was rather pleasant (I purchase more than $1,000 worth of stuff over the years from them). But I also know it's a discount/bargain place, so you have to watch out. ne_nau.gif

    As to the fabric bg - I recently discovered the treasures of the LA Fashion (aka Garment aka Fabric) District. The may not have specifically "old masters" muslin, but, man, do they have a lot, and that lot is C.H.E.A.P. I got some excellent 120"(!) wide bg materal at $4 per yard. Got 20 yards each. deal.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ChatKatChatKat Registered Users Posts: 1,357 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2008
    Backdrop outlet
    I have a small collection of backgrounds from Backdrop Outlet which have been pretty decent. I have a 10x20 Black with a rod pocket I paid $99 for last year that is very nice. If I were to put it in front of a window it would be a bit too sheer, but against a solid wall it's great. I also bought a tan mottled background and some fantasy cloth last year. This year I got some backgrounds that are a vinyl/rubber and one looks like grey stone and the other looks brick. And I got a grey old master and a Wine color. I am pretty set for some basics.

    Now for some gels and some grids for my softboxes - oh and probably a large reflector or a scrim some flags...geez, this is never ending.ne_nau.gif

    Nikolai wrote:
    I never purchased muslins from amvona. However, thus far my experience with it was rather pleasant (I purchase more than $1,000 worth of stuff over the years from them). But I also know it's a discount/bargain place, so you have to watch out. ne_nau.gif

    As to the fabric bg - I recently discovered the treasures of the LA Fashion (aka Garment aka Fabric) District. The may not have specifically "old masters" muslin, but, man, do they have a lot, and that lot is C.H.E.A.P. I got some excellent 120"(!) wide bg materal at $4 per yard. Got 20 yards each. deal.gif
    Kathy Rappaport
    Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
  • anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2008
    I have heard mixed reviews from Amvona as well. I think I will order background supports through them but not any backgrounds or lighting.

    Have you all thought to just go to a fabric outlet stores and find someone that can sew?? I am thinking it would be significantly cheaper ne_nau.gif
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

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