Not me, but it sounds like a kick-ass camera, and in ways it's better than the Canon 300D.
$300 better.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
The common wisdom is that if you already own some lenses for eitehr Canon or Nikon, buy that compatible body. If don't have a lens already, I think Canon is at this point a little more complete system with more options. (But Nikon has a very nice flash that's designed for digital...) That's why so many people on this forum have Canon. If you get really into it, like many of us, you will end up with lenses worth more than the body, and the lenses will last a lifetime. That is very unlikely to be true of digital camera bodies bought now; they are likely to be obsolete in 5 years.
The common wisdom is that if you already own some lenses for eitehr Canon or Nikon, buy that compatible body. If don't have a lens already, I think Canon is at this point a little more complete system with more options. (But Nikon has a very nice flash that's designed for digital...) That's why so many people on this forum have Canon. If you get really into it, like many of us, you will end up with lenses worth more than the body, and the lenses will last a lifetime. That is very unlikely to be true of digital camera bodies bought now; they are likely to be obsolete in 5 years.
I agree , already own some nice Nikon lenses --- need a digital to keep from the film/develop/process to digital loop.
Am interested in hearing from actual D70 user..
D70 - newbie
Purchased D70 kit today along w/ 256mb CF card and card reader. Had to work tonight so I'm sittin here reading the manual.
This camera is as complicated as Chinese arithmetic.
Three Li. CR2 batteries added another $30 which I opted not to spend.Figure to wait till tomorrow and charge the batt..........
Seems all my other lenses will work
Seems SB-28 flash will work also (though not in TTL ?)
Will see how images flow from CF card -- reader---USB 2 ---Mac iPhoto--file ---PS Elements
Will try and get some up to Smugmug by this weekend
Purchased D70 kit today along w/ 256mb CF card and card reader. Had to work tonight so I'm sittin here reading the manual.
This camera is as complicated as Chinese arithmetic.
Three Li. CR2 batteries added another $30 which I opted not to spend.Figure to wait till tomorrow and charge the batt..........
Seems all my other lenses will work
Seems SB-26 flash will work also (though not in TTL ?)
Will see how images flow from CF card -- reader---USB 2 ---Mac iPhoto--file ---PS Elements
Will try and get some up to Smugmug by this weekend
Congrats gypsy! I'm anxious to see your shots and hear how you like it. I *almost* waited for it, but opted for the 10D instead for instant gratification a while back.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Test ran a demo D70 a couple of weeks ago and found it to be a very easy to use and comfortable feel in my hands. It is much lighter than the D1x or D2h and has nearly all the features. I understand reading the manual and re read mine every few weeks, but the basic program modes work very well and you can count on the product.
Once you recover from the original expense, give the new sb800 flash serious consideration. It works wonderfully and really compliments the camera. Very flexible and progammable as well. TTL and many other features, you can add a 5th battery for much quicker recycle times as well.
I would like to take this opportunity to shout a hearty FO to all the naysayers who said the D70 wasn't going to be out until the Fall. Half of the reason I bought the Canon was because it was readily available (actually, it went on backorder shortly after I bought mine) and was a great dSLR. I would have rather bought the D70 and been able to use my Nikkor glass. So ...I hope you're happy with yourselves.
That said, I'm anxious to go see one at the store and check it out. The D100 just didn't feel right in my hands, so I'm curious as to what the D70 is like. No, I'm not going to sell my 10D, 70-200/4L, 100mm/2.8, 28-75/2.8, or 550EX so :nono
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Matthew SavilleRegistered Users, Retired ModPosts: 3,352Major grins
edited April 2, 2004
You will enjoy owning the D70
It's an incredible camera; I've shot maybe 500 frames thus far. Just a quick note, the low noise at ISO 1600 is sweet, and the 3 fps is even sweeter. Even with my microdrive I can blast a couple dozen frames of fine JPG in a single burst, and if you have a high speed solid state CF, you're supposed to be able to hit 3 fps until your card is full. I had a microdrive, so I needed a big buffer- the D70 is for me. I've had the camera for maybe thirty + hours, and I pretty much understand everything or know where everything is, so it's user friendly for sure... I haven't a good enough lens to do any real official advising, but I guess you went ahead and bought it anyways hehe... If anybody's on the fence about a DSLR, I'd say if you have any stockpile of nikkors, go with the D70! It is an incredible camera. The 300D is incredible too, but in perspective, the D70 is more like the D100 than the 300D is like the 10D. Either way you go, you will be delighted; both the D70 and the 300D have their advantages and their disadvantages, but as for me the D70's advantages were what I wanted:
-turns on instantly
-awesome performance at high ISO
-RAW + JPG images
Some things I've had a hassle with thus far:
-New Nikon software is weird about reading NEF files, must download upgrade and I think pay $99 if you want some full version of some software.
-Ruckus about moire, but I have yet to see any. But I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.
-Images might be consistently under exposed, I'm not sure. Probably just the fact that it was terribly overcast and I was trying to shoot at high shutter speeds.
But don't listen to me, just watch my galleries for pictures!
What little financial discipline I have is weakening . . .
I know what you mean! But here is what would happen to me:
Ok I can now afford a D70... but it's only a couple hundred more to step up to the D100... and if I'm going to shell out the money for a D100 I might as well go ahead and spend a bit more and get a D2H... but then again, the D2X should be out sometime soon...
The next thing you know I'm giving thought to buying a new medium format camera and a $20k, 20MP+ digital back.
I know what you mean! But here is what would happen to me:
Ok I can now afford a D70... but it's only a couple hundred more to step up to the D100... and if I'm going to shell out the money for a D100 I might as well go ahead and spend a bit more and get a D2H... but then again, the D2X should be out sometime soon...
The next thing you know I'm giving thought to buying a new medium format camera and a $20k, 20MP+ digital back.
My sickness is clearly not as developed as yours.
If I ever find myself in a position where I'm selling pictures, than I would entertain the idea of a pro-level camera. Until then, the D70 will do just fine thanks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to the "discussion" I'm having with my wife.
If I ever find myself in a position where I'm selling pictures, than I would entertain the idea of a pro-level camera. Until then, the D70 will do just fine thanks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to the "discussion" I'm having with my wife.
Still working nite shift--- off on Sat. @ 0730. Will be able to play with camera then...
BTW , did not ask/tell wifey ....hopes she doesn't notice the difference in Nikons .......and mistakes it for my other one.
The next thing you know I'm giving thought to buying a new medium format camera and a $20k, 20MP+ digital back.
I am just waiting for the day I can buy a Fuji 680 with a full frame portable digital back. That will be an impressive setup, now if they can only make it soon and keep the cost down.
D70 software
Since purchasing this camera , I have been short of time to sit down and read up on software that came with it , or for that matter even get out and shoot some daylight shots. From what my Mac has been able to do with iPhoto and Photoshop Elements , I'm not sure I even need to load it.
Since purchasing this camera , I have been short of time to sit down and read up on software that came with it , or for that matter even get out and shoot some daylight shots. From what my Mac has been able to do with iPhoto and Photoshop Elements , I'm not sure I even need to load it.
I've taken a bunch of shots with my father's D100 but I've never bothered to load any of the Nikon Software. Now that PS-CS has the built-in camera RAW plug-in I've found 0 need for the stuff that Nikon provides.
I am just waiting for the day I can buy a Fuji 680 with a full frame portable digital back. That will be an impressive setup, now if they can only make it soon and keep the cost down.
I don't think it will ever happen. What will happen instead is that the current generation of 20 MP backs will get phased out and replaced with new 30-40 MP backs which will sell at the exact same prices as the current stuff. This trend will continue until they get to some astronomical pixel count that even the marketing people realize is over-kill. Then they'll start increasing bit depth for more colors or come out with a new type of sensor that greatly reduces noise. The end result is that the pro-level stuff stays at the same price, it just constantly gets better.
On the other hand, I never thought we would see a 6MP SLR for under $1k...
I don't think it will ever happen. What will happen instead is that the current generation of 20 MP backs will get phased out and replaced with new 30-40 MP backs which will sell at the exact same prices as the current stuff. This trend will continue until they get to some astronomical pixel count that even the marketing people realize is over-kill. Then they'll start increasing bit depth for more colors or come out with a new type of sensor that greatly reduces noise. The end result is that the pro-level stuff stays at the same price, it just constantly gets better.
On the other hand, I never thought we would see a 6MP SLR for under $1k...
It is still a great thought and one I am sure Fuji knows they can gain market share with if they can go FF in the 680, we can hope.
Oh wow. This is sounding like a fantastic camera. Dear oh dear.
# Excellent resolution and sharpness, seems better than EOS 300D / EOS 10D
# Neutral color balance, 'Nikon like' (tuned towards skin tones)
# Good clean sharpening algorithm leaves almost no 'halo' artifacts
# Low noise even at high sensitivities, noise appears more monochromatic (film like)
Nikon D70
thinking of buying the D70 or Rebel..........I bought two D70's, one a kit with the 18-70 lens. Fantastic cameras. Can keep shooting almost forever till your card fills up. I sell alot of cameras at the shop and find the nikon better than the canon. Many tests are out now and show the resolution better than the canon and also better than the canon 10D.
1/500 of a second flash sync is a plus when shooting outside and you need fill flash....................Instant startup..............Raw plus JPEG(not embedded like the canon) is great for weddings.............
Anyone considering it better buy takes our camera shop up to 5 weeks to get another D70 on the shelf from nikon............They are hot and flying fast....................
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I agree , already own some nice Nikon lenses --- need a digital to keep from the film/develop/process to digital loop.
Am interested in hearing from actual D70 user..
Purchased D70 kit today along w/ 256mb CF card and card reader. Had to work tonight so I'm sittin here reading the manual.
This camera is as complicated as Chinese arithmetic.
Three Li. CR2 batteries added another $30 which I opted not to spend.Figure to wait till tomorrow and charge the batt..........
Seems all my other lenses will work
Seems SB-28 flash will work also (though not in TTL ?)
Will see how images flow from CF card -- reader---USB 2 ---Mac iPhoto--file ---PS Elements
Will try and get some up to Smugmug by this weekend
Congrats gypsy! I'm anxious to see your shots and hear how you like it. I *almost* waited for it, but opted for the 10D instead for instant gratification a while back.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Test ran a demo D70 a couple of weeks ago and found it to be a very easy to use and comfortable feel in my hands. It is much lighter than the D1x or D2h and has nearly all the features. I understand reading the manual and re read mine every few weeks, but the basic program modes work very well and you can count on the product.
Once you recover from the original expense, give the new sb800 flash serious consideration. It works wonderfully and really compliments the camera. Very flexible and progammable as well. TTL and many other features, you can add a 5th battery for much quicker recycle times as well.
Lets see some stuff!
I would like to take this opportunity to shout a hearty FO to all the naysayers who said the D70 wasn't going to be out until the Fall. Half of the reason I bought the Canon was because it was readily available (actually, it went on backorder shortly after I bought mine) and was a great dSLR. I would have rather bought the D70 and been able to use my Nikkor glass. So
That said, I'm anxious to go see one at the store and check it out. The D100 just didn't feel right in my hands, so I'm curious as to what the D70 is like. No, I'm not going to sell my 10D, 70-200/4L, 100mm/2.8, 28-75/2.8, or 550EX so :nono
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
It's an incredible camera; I've shot maybe 500 frames thus far. Just a quick note, the low noise at ISO 1600 is sweet, and the 3 fps is even sweeter. Even with my microdrive I can blast a couple dozen frames of fine JPG in a single burst, and if you have a high speed solid state CF, you're supposed to be able to hit 3 fps until your card is full. I had a microdrive, so I needed a big buffer- the D70 is for me. I've had the camera for maybe thirty + hours, and I pretty much understand everything or know where everything is, so it's user friendly for sure... I haven't a good enough lens to do any real official advising, but I guess you went ahead and bought it anyways hehe... If anybody's on the fence about a DSLR, I'd say if you have any stockpile of nikkors, go with the D70! It is an incredible camera. The 300D is incredible too, but in perspective, the D70 is more like the D100 than the 300D is like the 10D. Either way you go, you will be delighted; both the D70 and the 300D have their advantages and their disadvantages, but as for me the D70's advantages were what I wanted:
-turns on instantly
-awesome performance at high ISO
-RAW + JPG images
Some things I've had a hassle with thus far:
-New Nikon software is weird about reading NEF files, must download upgrade and I think pay $99 if you want some full version of some software.
-Ruckus about moire, but I have yet to see any. But I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.
-Images might be consistently under exposed, I'm not sure. Probably just the fact that it was terribly overcast and I was trying to shoot at high shutter speeds.
But don't listen to me, just watch my galleries for pictures!
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
Ok I can now afford a D70... but it's only a couple hundred more to step up to the D100... and if I'm going to shell out the money for a D100 I might as well go ahead and spend a bit more and get a D2H... but then again, the D2X should be out sometime soon...
The next thing you know I'm giving thought to buying a new medium format camera and a $20k, 20MP+ digital back.
If I ever find myself in a position where I'm selling pictures, than I would entertain the idea of a pro-level camera. Until then, the D70 will do just fine thanks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to the "discussion" I'm having with my wife.
Still working nite shift--- off on Sat. @ 0730. Will be able to play with camera then...
BTW , did not ask/tell wifey ....hopes she doesn't notice the difference in Nikons .......and mistakes it for my other one.
I am just waiting for the day I can buy a Fuji 680 with a full frame portable digital back. That will be an impressive setup, now if they can only make it soon and keep the cost down.
BTW, this is a great site!
More to follow "P" no flash
on "P" w/ adj for flourescent lites
On "P" w/ no adj.
will try to get out and do some more....
working on bike project tomorrow
Since purchasing this camera , I have been short of time to sit down and read up on software that came with it , or for that matter even get out and shoot some daylight shots. From what my Mac has been able to do with iPhoto and Photoshop Elements , I'm not sure I even need to load it.
I've taken a bunch of shots with my father's D100 but I've never bothered to load any of the Nikon Software. Now that PS-CS has the built-in camera RAW plug-in I've found 0 need for the stuff that Nikon provides.
By the way, those are some good looking shots!
On the other hand, I never thought we would see a 6MP SLR for under $1k...
It is still a great thought and one I am sure Fuji knows they can gain market share with if they can go FF in the 680, we can hope.
D70 review
Especially the bit about low noise at high ISO's.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I've been playing with the camera the last hour or so, and it seems pretty easy to navigate. I've even put on a custom curve to test out tomorrow.
Thanks for any advice,
Dave (gallery)
Finding this out was a real downer to me...without forking out on a few decent lens's its a bit like driving a ferrari in traffic !
thinking of buying the D70 or Rebel..........I bought two D70's, one a kit with the 18-70 lens. Fantastic cameras. Can keep shooting almost forever till your card fills up. I sell alot of cameras at the shop and find the nikon better than the canon. Many tests are out now and show the resolution better than the canon and also better than the canon 10D.
1/500 of a second flash sync is a plus when shooting outside and you need fill flash....................Instant startup..............Raw plus JPEG(not embedded like the canon) is great for weddings.............
Anyone considering it better buy takes our camera shop up to 5 weeks to get another D70 on the shelf from nikon............They are hot and flying fast....................
Yes I have one....3 fps, 1/500 sink, great controls I would rate it above my S2
What little financial restraint I possess was no match in the end. Lookin' forward to learnin' a whole lot more than I now know.
Nigritude Ultramarine
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam