You're right, of course, Heather. I was just being lazy. The pointy hoods are the most characteristic feature of Spanish Easter processions. They date back to medieval times when they were embraced as a way of demonstrating penitence while maintaining anonymity. Americans are often freaked out by their unfortunate resemblance to the KKK costume, but they have no such association to Spaniards. The marchers are all members of different religious brotherhoods, but they are not clergy themselves. I enjoy wondering what their day jobs might be. The guys in the cool white capes are alabarderos (sorry, if there's an English translation, I don't know it), an honor guard unit for the king. I'm really not very knowledgeable about this stuff, but Wikipedia has a decent short summary here.
Hey thanks! I suppose I could have done the research myself.... but with a knowledgable guy right there.... Thanks for filling us in!
Pretty cool stuff! Thanks for taking the time to explain!:D
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Thanks, Awais and Heather.
You're right, of course, Heather. I was just being lazy. The pointy hoods are the most characteristic feature of Spanish Easter processions. They date back to medieval times when they were embraced as a way of demonstrating penitence while maintaining anonymity. Americans are often freaked out by their unfortunate resemblance to the KKK costume, but they have no such association to Spaniards. The marchers are all members of different religious brotherhoods, but they are not clergy themselves. I enjoy wondering what their day jobs might be. The guys in the cool white capes are alabarderos (sorry, if there's an English translation, I don't know it), an honor guard unit for the king. I'm really not very knowledgeable about this stuff, but Wikipedia has a decent short summary here.
Pretty cool stuff! Thanks for taking the time to explain!:D