Easter Sunday Portraits
Don't you love it when the family is gathered together, eating great food and enjoying some frosty beverages and you end up getting roped into shooting portraits all day? Actually, I did love it. Here are a few more of my nieces from that day. C&C welcomed.
1. Savannah

2. Megan

3. Savannah again.....
1. Savannah

2. Megan

3. Savannah again.....

here is my crew.
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
These are very nice and wonderful keepers for the family! I like your processing but even more importantly, the backgrounds complement your subjects and THEY ARE IN FOCUS! I also like the way you used the existing light to your advantage. Really sweet.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Thanks Swartzy. The subjects really made the job easy. I used a softbox to camera right for the key light and the white porch bouncing fill. In post, I darkened the background to draw attention to the girls.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Canon Stuff
Thank you for the compliment. My sister was diagnosed with rhuematoid arthritis a few months ago and is really selfconscious about the swelling that the prednisone is causing in her face. I was happy to get this capture of her and my niece.
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Canon Stuff
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
Other site
I added diffusion to the last one but the top three had very little post added except for some sharpening of the eyes. Both Savannah and Meggie make it very hard to take a bad photo...
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
What a wonderful pic.