How did you get started?

I found this topic on another forum and found it interesting.
How did you get started making money in Photography? What advertizing works? How do you attract customers?
How did you get started making money in Photography? What advertizing works? How do you attract customers?
Is looking for local studios to become a photog assistant a good way to start?
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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I just did my first wedding. What do you think would be a good cheap, but not too cheap price for the second?
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
Other site
But, here are some things to consider when you do your pricing:
- What are other photogs in your area asking/getting? This is not a basis from which you should price, but you need to know.
- How good are you? Are you good enough to get top dollar or ...
- What is your time worth? Consider that your first 4 or 5 are going to be serious learning opportunities - at least they were for me (and I still run into interesting things I had never before considered).
- What do you have to get to break even? Consider things like equipment depreciation, mileage, cost of fuel, that sort of thing.
Bottom line is basically what will your market bear and how well can you market yourself. There's at least on wedding photog I could name (but won't) that gets a minimum of $5K and as much as $20 per event and his work is, IMNSHO, nothing to write home about. But, he knows how to market himself.My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
I would shoot my friends at rodeos, and sell them the pictures for $4.00 for 4x6, and $10.00 for an 8x10. I was able to make some good money at rodeos, and I moved into shooting most sports.
Find something you enjoy and shoot it, for me it is sports, but I shoot everything someone will hire me for. Just be stubborn and don't QUIT!!!!
So anyway, long story short, I got started in Hollywood style portraiture. Which we still do on large format and tungsten lights, its great!
Atlanta, GA
In 2003 I went digital and started shooting youth sports because of my children. I also started playing with PHotoshop Elements and began giving away a lot of prints to friends and teammate's parents. The more I gave away the more people told me I should charge for it all. So, exactly two years ago I signed up for a PRO Smugmug site and now I'm up to about $6.5K of profit through the site and another $2K in sitting fees and blurb book sales.
My marketing to this point has been almost 100% word of mouth with a few thousand business cards thrown in for good measure. I donate high school sports action shots to the local paper in return for a good photo credit that includes my website. I also shoot a gallery full of photos every Sunday at my church services and then make those shots available to anyone that cares to download them. The church downloads are FREE and the prints I sell to church members are only slightly above cost.
Now comes the good part! In my engineering career I became a successful inventor and I now make a good living off of royalties which should last for at least the next 5 years but probably for another 10 years. That gives me the opportunity to "go pro" with the photography and not have to worry about making it pay all the bills immediately. I haven't completely committed to the idea of going pro yet but it is one of my possibilities.....
So that's the story of how I got started. And the story of where it goes from here is not yet written. Stay tuned....
And check out my website and blog!
I am currently a sophomore in college, but I started taking photos for my high school's yearbook my freshmen year.
Obviously, I did everything for free during high school. But as I kept working over the summers in my high school's neighborhood (in Tokyo) I started to get more and more jobs.
I guess I was lucky that I got a paying gig not long after I got my first SLR (Minolta 400si).