black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited March 28, 2008
An interesting picture that certainly takes me back a spell. I got very good at this endeavor.....even to the point of using a " destroyer " top designed to split, or break off chunks, of the other guys' tops. We even went to the extreme of trying to armor our tops to prevent the other destroyers from getting us. Thanks for the memories.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
This one looks like it was from an era gone by, very nice post processing and composition.
Very nicely done!!
Burleson, Texas