Been wanting a Holga for months now, and finally a local camera store has it in stock.
Some street photography around San Mateo and Foster City.
Holga 120FN
Ilford FP4+

Kodak Potra 160NC

Sent in another two rolls (Ilford Delta 400 and Kodak T-Max 400) today, should have them up by next week if I have time.
Thanks for looking!
Some street photography around San Mateo and Foster City.
Holga 120FN
Ilford FP4+

Kodak Potra 160NC

Sent in another two rolls (Ilford Delta 400 and Kodak T-Max 400) today, should have them up by next week if I have time.
Thanks for looking!
Photo # 3 kinda draws me in...only the sky is kinda bright compaired to the landscape.
Learned something new
Keep going with it
Scott McPherson
But, I've never really understood the attraction the Holga holds for so many people. It seems to be an excuse to take many crappy pics of unsubstantial subject matter to me
I guess I "just don't get it", if anyone could enlighten me, please go ahead
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
I agree. although the OP seems to be enjoying taking pics with that camera.
I agree that as long as the OP enjoys it....thats all that matters.
I see these types of photos as a different kind of art produced by a camera. Kind of reminds me of the old movies of long ago that you see shown late at night on the Old Movie Channel. Or photos that you would find in your Great-Great Grandmas shoebox.
I think it's just all of the flaws associated with a Holga that makes it attractive to some people. I am really enjoying it as it really does teaches you how to be disciplined in picking your shots. (A roll for me is about 5 dollars and processing is about 8-16)
I think it's fair to say people take crap pictures with whatever type of camera they're using. You can take a crap picture with a Holga and you can take a crap picture with a Hasselblad. If you're hung up on perfect exposures, histograms, sharpness etc (which I was for a while) it leaves little room for creativity.
The Holga gives you little control over your exposures, and you're shooting film with the costs involved, therefore you tend to take a little more time thinking about your subject and composition. It liberates your creativity.
I have a Holga but haven't used it since my last fruitless processing (tried crossprocessing slide film and it was all worthless).