Your rights to take pictures - US version

I ran across this pdf that sets out a photographer's rights in the US.
I can see this coming in handy if you are doing something "suspicious" in NY or Washington.
Anyone know of a UK version? :dunno I've heard photogs complain about harassment in London.
I can see this coming in handy if you are doing something "suspicious" in NY or Washington.
Anyone know of a UK version? :dunno I've heard photogs complain about harassment in London.
A quick google found this site here:
It seems to be in a similar format, can be printed also.
I'm going to have a read through it myself.
EDIT: Having read through it, it seems to waffle on about trespass and harassment (a little too much I think rather than just stated the bare facts).
Here's an article on the London Metropolitan Police and their "War on Photographers"
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A good site but I'm worried about the date - 4 years old now. I've read about incidents since then where the UK anti-terrorism law was used against photographers.
Here's an article that talks about the current anti-photography climate in the UK.
I think they're isolated incidents for the most part. Then again, I could be wrong. I've not yet been stopped or complained at and I know of no-one else who has been stopped. One guy was complained at for taking photographs of boats but nothing came of it.
I was recently in London myself and was not approached by any police officers or security officers of any kind.
If you're going to visit London, don't be afraid to use your camera but do consider carefully what you are shooting. Apparantly, Trafalgar Sq. and Parliament Sq. are prohibited areas for photography. I think the general rule is that if you're approached and asked what you're doing, be non-obstructive and friendly.
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Thanks Moni.
This info and lots more is already posted in the sticky thread at the top of this forum titled "Photogs Resources..."
But it's always good to be reminded.
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