Tag With Keyword Bookmarklet

I had to go back through 2 years of photos of a dance team and keyword every photo where one of six girls appeared. (Ugh!) FireFox Bookmarklets to the rescue! I made a Bookmarklet for adding the girls name as a Keyword to the current photo, and used the right-arrow to navigate from photo to photo, clicking and adding the keywords. It still took a hour or so, but it was actually kind of fun!
The "trick" uses javascript snippets as bookmark on the toolbar. The javascript code looks like this:
Seems to work great! The keyword section under the photo doesn't always properly update, but I checked several times by refreshing the page, and the data is making it to the servers, so it's all good.
With the Bookmarks Toolbar visible, I added the bookmarklets by right-clicking on the toolbar and clicking New Bookmark.

If you have any improvements or feedback, let me know on this thread.
Happy Keywording!
**UPDATE: 2008-10-05**
Changes on the smugmug page required changes in the javascript.
The "trick" uses javascript snippets as bookmark on the toolbar. The javascript code looks like this:
javascript:{var newKeyword="Bolding";var keywords=YD.get('newKeywords').value;if(keywords.indexOf(newKeyword)==-1){keywords+=';"'+newKeyword+'"';submitKeywords(ImageID,ImageKey,keywords);}}In the javascript, change the newKeyword variable value to the keyword you want added when the bookmarklet's button is clicked. The code adds the keyword to the current photo if it doesn't already have the keyword. I have only tested this in SmugMug Style.
Seems to work great! The keyword section under the photo doesn't always properly update, but I checked several times by refreshing the page, and the data is making it to the servers, so it's all good.
With the Bookmarks Toolbar visible, I added the bookmarklets by right-clicking on the toolbar and clicking New Bookmark.

If you have any improvements or feedback, let me know on this thread.
Happy Keywording!
**UPDATE: 2008-10-05**
Changes on the smugmug page required changes in the javascript.
Any tips on how to change this to delete a keyword? I have one keyword that is added on about 40% of my photos. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Well, as will be the case for all hacks like this, things changed on SmugMug so I had to update my javascript. The new code is on the first post in this thread.
As for deleting, the code should be adaptable pretty easily to remove a keyword as well. I don't have time just now, but maybe that's something I'll add here.
photos tools. Select remove at the top, type in KW, select KW, then preview,
save. It will remove all of them from every photo in gallery that it exists on.
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