Feature request: domain name email
I got my custom domain name PeterDeCamp.com through GoDaddy. When I asked for an email account "Pete@PeterDeCamp.com" they said that it was not possible yet with Smugmug clients and that I should contact Smugmug about this.
Any thoughts about when this will be available?
I got my custom domain name PeterDeCamp.com through GoDaddy. When I asked for an email account "Pete@PeterDeCamp.com" they said that it was not possible yet with Smugmug clients and that I should contact Smugmug about this.
Any thoughts about when this will be available?
I'll ask Markham to clear it up w/ Godaddy.
We don't do email, but they do.
In fact, I have my email through godaddy, as well as my domain
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I have an email with mine that matches my domain name. I neglected to set it up until recently :bash. I just went over to the email section of Godaddy and set it up, I had the credit from the purchase of my domain.
It's what I did a couple years ago, I host all my domains on Godaddy.
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Hi Pete...
I got your Private Message about this topic again. You have a domain w/ Godaddy. If they charge again for email, that's up to them, I'm so very sorry
I can't control what Godaddy charges, for email I wish I could.
You can easily add email to your Account on Godaddy.
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I don't mind being charged. I cannot set up email at all. It's impossible, they say, with the type of account I have.
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Yes, I am working with GoDaddy to fix this. Turns out that we actually need to modify the terms of our agreement before they can allow this to go live. That should be done this week.
When it is available GoDaddy will give you credits in your account to allow email.
Stay tuned.
Ok we are all good to go.
GoDaddy is now offering 1 free email account to all SmugMuggers that buy a domain name. Go check it out: www.smugmugdomains.com
Basically google Apps gives you a free email address using the Gmail interface...
And you can practically have as many email addresses as you want!
Sweet, but there is a broken link on that page. On the right side on step three where it says "click here to go to your control panel" the link is
but it should be
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Okay, it's not actually a broken link, it's a security warning... You guys must have trusted smugmug.com this in the past, I have not. The issue is that the security certificate is for *.smugmug.com, and apparently smugmug.com is not covered by the *.
Here's what I get in IE7
and here in FF3 beta 5 (I know, I know, betas not supported)
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I also use Google Docs, Calender, and the other features. If you have a domain that allows email forwarding, and a Gmail account, there is no reason not to use them together.
Even better, I have my Godaddy email address keep a copy all of the emails sent to me. That way if I ever need to go back and recover a lost email, I have it. I have also used the Godaddy email account to send important emails while Google was "experiencing technical difficulties"
Google Apps is pretty cool but a friend of mine has had nothing but trouble with their linking of email, web hosting, domain hosting, and other stuff together. His explaination to me was something along the lines of putting all of his eggs in one basket being a problem. His plan is to move back to Godaddy for domain/web hosting and keep using Gmail for the other stuff.