Chess anyone?

After reading some articles over on Strobist and seeing the work of djspinner2k I had to try my hand at this. C&C welcome and wanted.
The setup...well let just say this was thrown togther using things around the house. The chess board was suspended between two of the kids chairs. A bathroom towel was placed under it to darken the image. The light was provided from a 100 watt tungsten light bulb...yes a table lamp with a 100 watt bulb wrapped in foil. The lights in the room were turned off. I used a speedlite on some of them but not all. Color was added by adjusting the white balance.



The setup...well let just say this was thrown togther using things around the house. The chess board was suspended between two of the kids chairs. A bathroom towel was placed under it to darken the image. The light was provided from a 100 watt tungsten light bulb...yes a table lamp with a 100 watt bulb wrapped in foil. The lights in the room were turned off. I used a speedlite on some of them but not all. Color was added by adjusting the white balance.




"Make it don't take it!"
B Rock,
Thanks for the feedback. IF you go over to my site and then over to the blog there is description of how I set it up. I am planning to recreating it and clean a few things up. Nothing major just some problems with my set up. What I learned from it was that I don't have to have studio equipment to get great results. All I have to do is just stop and think my way through it and then be willing to experiment.
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy highly recommends that you always carry a towel... Oh sorry wrong question.
The towel is hanging down from the chair to hide the yellow and provide a dark background for shooting. Picture the two chairs sitting with their backs together and the chess board on top. The towel is draped across the back of one chair and wraps around like a C, if you are looking top down at the set up, to the other one. The towel itself is hanging down to the floor hiding the chairs. It forms a column or a shade of sorts that helps direct the light up to the board. That way when I shoot from the top and on level you do not see the yellow chairs. Depending on the size of your chairs you might need two towels or a larger piece of material. I was using a couple of chairs from the kid’s activity table so they were smaller.
Ahhh. I get it now. Thanks for explaining!