Event photography - what would you charge?

Hi All,
I received an inquiry the other day regarding event photography. One of my mom's co-workers wants to know how much I would charge for taking photos of her daughter's graduation ceremony (I think it's high school), and the graduation/b-day party afterwards.
I've shot a few weddings and have charged $1200 for those but am unsure how much to charge for this particular event :dunno .
Any advice would be great. Thanks!
I received an inquiry the other day regarding event photography. One of my mom's co-workers wants to know how much I would charge for taking photos of her daughter's graduation ceremony (I think it's high school), and the graduation/b-day party afterwards.
I've shot a few weddings and have charged $1200 for those but am unsure how much to charge for this particular event :dunno .
Any advice would be great. Thanks!
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I wouldn't set my base price on selling prints for an event. I have found you will get a lot of looks but not many buys. Get the price for shooting the event and make the prints available on smugmug for purchase at default prices if you like. Something like this you probably want as little maintenance of it as possible. Figure your time and what it's worth to you, put the pictures online and be done with it.
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You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
Every wanna be photographer parent is gonna be shooting pics of their own kids with new DSLR cameras and long f2.8/f4 lens (that were recommended here BTW) purchased specifically for that event. I'm betting besides the professional Grip and Grin one taken on the stage when they get the diploma no other pics will be purchased if that one. My parents didn't even buy that photo if that matters at all.
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You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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This is such a true statement. Selling prints after the fact usually is minimal to none. I would definitely charge a per hour amount and then have the option for prints as a bonous for you.
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Make an on-line gallery available in case someone wants prints. This way you don't have to spend several, low profit, hours on customer service.
I spoke with my mom and it is a high school graduation. I'll be contacting the parent (my mom's coworker) who wants to hire me and talk with her to get more info.
Sounds like the best thing to do is charge $500 - $700 depending on what she wants.
Thanks again!
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Couple things some of which was already mentioned.
1. What exactly will you be shooting? If it is only one kid during the graduation adn then the time after- than $500 might be a bit much for the parents.
2. How good are you? How much do you feel you are worth shooting per hour? What would you charge per hour shooting portraits?
3. How much is your down time worth? You may have a couple hours of no shooting or very limited shooting- is this the same price as if you were shooting non stop?
4. Is this a one time shoot or does it have the possibility to lead to more? If there is possibility this could lead to more shoots and more money you might want to be a little more flexible with your rate if there is down time.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I'm trying to figure if taking an alternate route to work to reduce my pay tolls by $3 a day is worth the extra 15 mins the detour adds on. But I guess there are people who can pay the $600 for that along with filling up their Caddy Escalade SUVs at nearly $90 a tankfull and not worry aboot it either.
I for one would love if she gets the job and what reaction if any they have to the quoted price.
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
People's time costs money. If you piece your self out at $10.00/hr, that's what they'll pay. And you'll be looking for toll money forever. Worse, (and something it took me a while to figure out) the folks that think $250.00 and hour is about right will never even look at you. They want to tell their friends they dropped $1,500 bucks to have the party photographed.
I've been paid $500.00 to shoot a 2 hr party many times. It's considered cheap, in fact.
Compare: A plumber is going to charge $150.00 bucks just to come to your house. Then another $85 - $150.00/hr after that. No customer service, no disk or prints!
The neighbors just had a tree removed from their front lawn. Three guys and a truck. Three hours. $2,800.00!! And that was the LOWEST of 5 quotes!!
Not pertinent to the conversation, but God bless you for working with NILMDTS!
DeNic Photography | Portfolio | Group Blog
Canon 50D | 50 1.8 | 17-50 2.8 | 70-200 4L
I was once doing a similar thing when I felt a tap on my elbow. Some guy who was impressed watching me shoot and wanted to talk.
I ended up as official photographer to Prince Philip, The President of China, several Prime Ministers of Canada, the Governor of New York, and many other such folks -- for full pay!!
It was the start of something very good.
Sure hope it works for you too....
And I get deeper and deeper
The more I see the more I fall no place to hide
You better take the call I get deeper and deeper...The Fixx
Im shooting a sweet 16 in august for a client of mines daughter (double sweet 16 party actually 2 girls, friends).
Im charging her $400 for 5 hours of work. I feel this is a bit low after pricing it for her, but i told her a rate and im not one to back out on my rates.
Plus its also someone that I know and don't wanna overcharge. I don't do this for a living, and enjoy it. Ive shot only 1 event before. Im doing it more to get some practice and have some fun. After talking with some others i decided to make my official rate $300 for 2 hours of work and then $125/hour after that. A CD/DVD of all photos is $35 (and they have the option of ordering them from me via my online site)
Hope that helps you, im still learning this pricing as well.
Full res with post processing? Or, straight from the camera?
5D MkII | 30D | 50mm f1.8 II | 85mm f1.8 | 24-70mm f2.8L | 70-200mm f2.8L IS II | Manfrotto 3021BPRO with 322RC2
I recently did an event for $100 an hour and CD is additional $80. Large jpg after edit. Wanted the job to help get my name out there - wanted to make some money rather see it go to someone else
Already getting good feedback and was asked to send in a quote for the next event
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I don't mean to get this thread off track, but can anyone tell me how you post a new thread on this site?
Given the last post was 3 years ago, probably not a lot of chance of that!
I have been asked by a friend who owns a sucessful casino party business (corporate, private, fund raisers etc) if they could post me as an approved vendor on their website to photograph their events...most done at hotels, country clubs etc.). I currently sell my landscapes,florals etc on my photo hosting website and do some art arts/crafts shows where all of my images have a pre-set price based on my unit costs for processing, time etc. I am very comfortable with these selling prices but have no clue as to what to charge for "on site" work.
My next move is to have my friend speak with some of his clients and get their input on what they might expect in the way of packages, options etc. My first thought was to charge a flat "service fee" just to show up prepared to shoot then upload the best of the photos to my website for ease of ordering but having read another post here, I'm thinking there might be more attractive options for the client. I would sure appreciate any thoughts and direction you can offer. Many thanks
Take loads and loads of pictures.
As for all your asked to do and how much to charge: You are going to be working all day. Look at it this way. Do you want to get paid $10.00? Consider all that you
are going to have to do. Before the grad, during and after. In total about 6-7 hours. Then the time at home going through all the photos. Depending on how fussy you are
this could take another 6 hours. Then if you do any editing, depending on how many photos you are giving the parents, this to could add up to quite a few hours. Personally,
and I’m just starting out. I wouldn’t do this for less then $500.00 for the first 4 hours. After that a set price per hour, an amount that is resonable. And this is only because she
is a friend. If she was a client off the street then I would charge 650.00 for the first 4 hours, after that it would be 125.00 an hour. You’re going to have a long day, and a lot of
work a head of you.
Enjoy, take loads of pictures.