She is only five and already demanding money to model!
A few weeks ago a group of us all went to the Ed Pierce seminar "Captivated by the Light". $19.00 bucks and even though he was promoting alot of software, etc. I really enjoyed it. The 2 disc dvd was well worth it. Watching the video I noticed that several photographers shoot from a ladder or step stool. Tried this today with my daughter. Am liking the angle of her looking up at me. All natural light from a large window in our bedroom. Of course I had to bribe her to pose for me. The bribe was money and after we finished she asked me when I was going to the bank to get her money. She is only 5 but no dummy!
Playing with alot of layers, different blend modes and gradients. Thanks for looking.
Manual Mode, 50mm, f/2.8, Natural light
1. Color pop
2. BW using two gradients
3. Desaturate
4. Color pop with gradient layer added and opacity reduced to bring back some color
Playing with alot of layers, different blend modes and gradients. Thanks for looking.
Manual Mode, 50mm, f/2.8, Natural light
1. Color pop
2. BW using two gradients
3. Desaturate
4. Color pop with gradient layer added and opacity reduced to bring back some color
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
You did a great thing with that one. She is cute- and smart too!
Any chance you could share your post processing, I love the way you photoshopped the photos!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Thanks everyone for the compliments. She is getting pretty good at this modeling thing.
I don't mind sharing the steps at all. The first step I do on each photo is set my black/white points before starting the other PP.
1. Burned the background at a very low opacity using layer>new>layer>mode:overlay and 50% grey.
2. Boosted color in cloting using the sponge tool set at saturate (around 12%)
3. added levels layer (increased midtones to around 105 and left side brought in around 110 or more. Whatever works for the pic.
4. Added a layer and set mode to hard light. Low opacity.
5. Added another layer set mode to soft light. Low opacity.
I just play with the layers and different modes, adjusting opactiy to see what works for the photo. Watch the face. I usually add a mask and paint back in on many of the layers.
6. sharpen
As for the BW I have created some custom gradients that I use. I add a color balance layer bringing it below the gradient layer so that when you adjust the sliders it is adjusting in BW. Adjust the midtone, shadow and highlight sliders until you get what you like.
I would like to say that I purchased a light meter about a month ago as well as a calibration target at the seminar. I am trying to be very disciplined in using both these and setting a CWB. Takes some discipline but so much better straight out of the camera.
Hope this helps and makes sense.
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
and thanks for the post-processing post.
I like the first and the last best.
I think you got your $5 worth!!!
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-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
My equiment: Nikon D50, Nikon D300, SB-600, 30mm 1.4, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200mm 2.8
I'm a Nikon Girl:tuesday
Canon 20d and 40d
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 85mm 1.8
Canon 70-200L IS 2.8
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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