some advice, help with Little League Galleries
Hi all...
I need some advice, I'll be shooting Little League this year
and wanted to get my galleries in up in advance. I'll be
shooting for a town which has the following makeup.
Majors 9 teams
Minors 8 Teams
Farm 10 teams
T-Ball 12 teams
Could I kindly get some advice on how to structure the
galleries? Ideally I'd like to have a gallery for each division
and then divide by either team or game...
Thanks!! Dave
I need some advice, I'll be shooting Little League this year
and wanted to get my galleries in up in advance. I'll be
shooting for a town which has the following makeup.
Majors 9 teams
Minors 8 Teams
Farm 10 teams
T-Ball 12 teams
Could I kindly get some advice on how to structure the
galleries? Ideally I'd like to have a gallery for each division
and then divide by either team or game...
Thanks!! Dave
Well, here is how I did it Most of it is password protected, but you can see the gallary layout, and the Live Oak and non catagorized stuff is not pw protected.
Category: Little League Baseball - 2008
Subcategories: Major, Minor, Farm, and T-ball
Then you create galleries for each team that you do group/individual shots for and galleries for each ballgame where you shoot action shots.
The trick will be in the naming of the galleries. I would use something like, "Reds vs. Blues, 4/15/08," and then I would always keep them in chronological order.
My $0.02 is now all used up. Good Luck!
I have 32 teams, and 6 leagues. It's all organized nicely IMHO.
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I'm starting to work on this and may have some further
questions but thanks again...