Feed for Blogspot
I am trying to set up a slideshow feed to my blog on blogspot.com. I want to link to an unlisted gallery (which happens to be the same gallery I use for the slideshow on the homepage of my Smugmug site). How do I do this? I have tried the various feed codes at FeedsTricks but I cannot get it to work. As far as I know, I have the feed option turned on for that gallery.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I tried using the one on the slideshow help page (http://wiki.smugmug.com/display/SmugMug/Flash+Slideshow):
I also tried using one I found on the FeedsTricks page (http://smugmug.jot.com/WikiHome/Customization/FeedsTricks):
I wasn't sure if I had to get rid of the [] around my nick name when I typed it in and I also wasn't sure what I needed for the album ID; just the number, the number_the three letter, etc.
Perhap try using format=rss200
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I'm not sure. I can choose from Picasa, Flickr, or Photobucket feeds, or I can choose other and give a 'feed.'
Adding the rss200 worked! Thanks for the help.
Somehow this works (when trying to add this to my Blogger blog):
And this doesn't:
Shouldn't both versions of the feed contain the same information? All the feeds in my footer are of the 'marcoglasbergen.nl' kind. Should I worry my feeds won't work for some or most people?
Doesn't work how ? In a browser or in something like a flash app ?
Both work fine for me in a browser.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
It's a Blogger slideshow 'page element' or widget. I'm not sure what the underlying technology is, but it seems to be html-based. This is the url to my testblog with the slideshow: http://marcogla-testblog.blogspot.com/.
The good news is it's working now for both url's. The bad news is I have no idea why...
It seems to be more of a Blogger page element problem than a url feed problem, so there's no need for SmugMug to try and debug it.
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You can find it at http://denisegoldbergplays.blogspot.com.
The blog includes a slideshow (by album id) in the sidebar, and two as blog entries (one using a keyword, one using an album id). Neither one is defined as a slideshow feed though; I just used the "off of smug" version of the Shizam slideshow code.
You can do a view source on the posts in the blog, but in case it's easier, I'll include a text file here with the album id example. All you should need to do is change the nickname and the album id, and set your desired width and height. Oh, and I defined the sidebar entry as HTML/Javascript.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
This seems to be the same problem I was having and posted HERE. I found the answer and hope that helps.
Blogger and the XML do not like the & symbol. Just after the & add amp;
My example is using most recent photo, you will need to use the proper link from the examples page HERE