Photos Slow to Load

Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
edited April 11, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I've been having this problem for a while now and it starting to really get to me. When I'm looking through photos in my galleries as I'm switching between photos they are extremely slow to load. Without refreshing it can take over 2 mintues to load.

Is it me, my computer...can I do anything to fix this. I have a cable connection and all other sites are super fast so I don't believe it is the connnection itself.

Thanks, Aaron.


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    Hi Aaron, loads instantly for me. So, please do a few things for us, they are diagnostics that will help.

    1) Speedtest - Go here:
    We are the San Jose pyramid. Please let us know what the results are.

    2) Traceroute:
    Try these instructions to run a traceroute on a PC:
    That will help us see if and where any problems may be.

    3) A line quality test: go here:
    Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. That will let us know if there is an issue with the line preventing photos from arriving to our servers. post the link to the results when you get them.
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    TEST 1:
    ** Please note 2 of these tests would simply not finish. One got stuck on 18% and the other on 9%. It seems that the kbps keeps going down and down to about 60 and then keeps trickling down. I'm going to let one of these tests keep running but im not sure if it will ever finish. This is similar to what I experience when going through photos in a gallery. The first photo will load lightning fast but then if I click on another photo it is extremely slow to load and most times I have to refresh the page in order to get it to load.
    ***UPDATE the second test that was at 9% is now at 10% and 11kbps it's about 5-7 minutes since I started the test. 10 minutes into the test and still at 10% and 8kbps.

    TEST 2:
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []
    2 7 ms 9 ms 9 ms
    3 9 ms 8 ms 9 ms []

    4 10 ms 9 ms 11 ms []

    5 27 ms 30 ms 41 ms []
    6 24 ms 24 ms 25 ms []

    7 39 ms 39 ms 40 ms [
    8 40 ms 38 ms 41 ms []

    9 26 ms 26 ms 27 ms [
    10 95 ms 88 ms 76 ms [6]
    11 74 ms 74 ms 73 ms []

    Trace complete.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>

    Test 3:
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    This is the telling point: abovenet is failing for you, that's a lot of packet loss :( The good thing is, these typically will right themselves in no time. What does your isp say?
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    Andy sorry I'm not following you what does it mean that abovenet is failing and what is packer loss.

    As far as this righting itself in time I've been having this problem for some time so I'm not sure anything is changing.

    Also I have not contacted my isp as I have no other problems with any sites except smugmug. Should I be contacting them and what should I say my problem is?

    Thanks, Andy.
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    I did a test on Smugmug's servers.. It shows some slow ping replies..

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    DrDavid wrote:
    I did a test on Smugmug's servers.. It shows some slow ping replies..

    Your pings look fine and there's no packet loss.
  • DrDavidDrDavid Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    Your pings look fine and there's no packet loss.
    There was a few ping replies that are very slow... Just FYI. It was tested to -- not to me :)

  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2008
    Ok so nothing has changed things are still slow so again I ask....

    What does it mean that abovenet is failing and what is packer loss?

    I have not contacted my isp as I have no other problems with any sites except smugmug. Should I be contacting them and what should I say my problem is?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2008
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    Ok so nothing has changed things are still slow so again I ask....

    What does it mean that abovenet is failing and what is packer loss?

    I have not contacted my isp as I have no other problems with any sites except smugmug. Should I be contacting them and what should I say my problem is?
    Packet loss is data loss. Chunks of data between you and us. I'd show them your dsl report. Feel free to write our Support Heroes after you check with your Provider, we can try a few other things.
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    I hate to bring up an old post but I'm still having the same problems as when I originally posted this. It takes forever for photos to load.

    I did not contact my isp provider because they are a pita to deal with and I know it's going to be hard to explain this to them especially when Smugmug is the only site I am having trouble with.

    Is there anything else I can do to solve this?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    I hate to bring up an old post but I'm still having the same problems as when I originally posted this. It takes forever for photos to load.

    I did not contact my isp provider because they are a pita to deal with and I know it's going to be hard to explain this to them especially when Smugmug is the only site I am having trouble with.

    Is there anything else I can do to solve this?
    It's very likely due to the route from you to us - and that will likely involve your ISP, we'll see.

    Yes. Send us traceroute asap, to the help desk. And please do a line quality test:

    Try these instructions to run a traceroute on a PC:
    That will help us see if and where any problems may be.

    To run a traceroute on a Mac, follow the instructions here:
    Copy and paste the results to us in an email.

    Would you mind running a line quality test for us? You go here:
    Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. That will let us know if there is an issue with the line preventing photos from arriving to our servers. Email us the link to the results when you get them.
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    Andy here are the resluts. I've also sent an email to the help desk.

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []
    2 17 ms 10 ms 12 ms
    3 16 ms 15 ms 15 ms []

    4 21 ms 13 ms 14 ms []

    5 39 ms 37 ms 30 ms [
    6 22 ms 26 ms 23 ms []
    7 30 ms 17 ms 15 ms []
    8 29 ms 19 ms 19 ms []
    9 85 ms 77 ms 85 ms [67.17.16
    10 80 ms 93 ms 80 ms []

    Trace complete.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>

    2. Link Line Test:

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    Andy here are the resluts. I've also sent an email to the help desk.

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []
    2 17 ms 10 ms 12 ms
    3 16 ms 15 ms 15 ms []

    4 21 ms 13 ms 14 ms []

    5 39 ms 37 ms 30 ms [
    6 22 ms 26 ms 23 ms []
    7 30 ms 17 ms 15 ms []
    8 29 ms 19 ms 19 ms []
    9 85 ms 77 ms 85 ms [67.17.16
    10 80 ms 93 ms 80 ms []

    Trace complete.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>

    2. Link Line Test:

    Aaron, it's the huge packet loss in Kansas City:


    These situations usually right themselves... but as I've said in the past, uploading requires a clean connection, and packet loss will result in broken uploads :(
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    It's very likely due to the route from you to us - and that will likely involve your ISP, we'll see.

    Yes. Send us traceroute asap, to the help desk. And please do a line quality test:

    Try these instructions to run a traceroute on a PC:
    That will help us see if and where any problems may be.

    To run a traceroute on a Mac, follow the instructions here:
    Copy and paste the results to us in an email.

    Would you mind running a line quality test for us? You go here:
    Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. That will let us know if there is an issue with the line preventing photos from arriving to our servers. Email us the link to the results when you get them.

    I've been seeing some 30-60 second page load times for the last hour as I've been trying to go to sites where people have been asking for help in the customization forum. I can find no slow tracert reports at all, no matter how many times I run it. I can find no packet loss no matter how many times I run it. It seems more like there's some hangup in the actual initial page response time.

    The Firefox browser goes to white, then there's a very long pause before anything shows. Then, the page eventually shows and then seems to be OK to move around in after that. But, something is clearly holding up the initial page.

    I've seen this now on 10 or so different Smugmug sites. I've not seen any slowness with dgrin or CNN or Yahoo or Google or Dpreview or NikonCafe. Most signs point to something going on that is specific to Smugmug sites.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • ochongochong Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited April 7, 2009
    jfriend wrote:
    I've been seeing some 30-60 second page load times for the last hour as I've been trying to go to sites where people have been asking for help in the customization forum. I can find no slow tracert reports at all, no matter how many times I run it. I can find no packet loss no matter how many times I run it. It seems more like there's some hangup in the actual initial page response time.

    The Firefox browser goes to white, then there's a very long pause before anything shows. Then, the page eventually shows and then seems to be OK to move around in after that. But, something is clearly holding up the initial page.tracert

    I've seen this now on 10 or so different Smugmug sites. I've not seen any slowness with dgrin or CNN or Yahoo or Google or Dpreview or NikonCafe. Most signs point to something going on that is specific to Smugmug sites.

    ditto, located in Massachusetts.
    Canon 7D & 350D
    10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 ~ 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II ~ 50mm f/1.8 II ~ 85mm f/1.8 ~ 100mm f/2.8 ~ 70-200mm f/4 IS L
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2009
    Andy I'd like to think that the problem would work itself out but I've had this problem since I first posted this a year ago and nothing has changed. I've just kinda delt with it but now with the bulk thumbnail hack not working I can't even adjust one thumb at a time because nothing loads.

    If I contact my isp provider how should I explain the problem and are they even going to understand what I'm trying to tell them?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2009
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    Andy I'd like to think that the problem would work itself out but I've had this problem since I first posted this a year ago and nothing has changed. I've just kinda delt with it but now with the bulk thumbnail hack not working I can't even adjust one thumb at a time because nothing loads.

    If I contact my isp provider how should I explain the problem and are they even going to understand what I'm trying to tell them?
    Yes... show them the huge packet loss and ask them what they can help do about it? Let us know, thanks.
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2009
    Andy I called my isp and the problem seems to be with my wireless router. They had me disconnect the wireless router and after that everything seems to load just fine.

    Of course since I didn't buy my router from them and pay a monthly fee they are no help working out the problem with the router. Do you have any idea why my router would be causing this? Again this problem is ONLY with smugmug and no other websites. I'm not sure why my router would dislike smugmug specifically.

    Thanks, Aaron.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2009
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    Andy I called my isp and the problem seems to be with my wireless router. They had me disconnect the wireless router and after that everything seems to load just fine.

    Of course since I didn't buy my router from them and pay a monthly fee they are no help working out the problem with the router. Do you have any idea why my router would be causing this? Again this problem is ONLY with smugmug and no other websites. I'm not sure why my router would dislike smugmug specifically.

    Thanks, Aaron.
    I couldn't say, but I'm glad at least we know. What about getting a new router, is that an option? Or, posting in the Dig Darkroom support for some router geek help?
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2009
    Thanks, Andy. Yes getting a new router is an option if that is what's needed. I'll try the dig darkroom and see what I come up with.
  • Aaron JorsAaron Jors Registered Users Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited April 11, 2009
    Andy I needed to upgrade my routers firmware. After doing so everything is running great. Thanks again for your help.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 11, 2009
    Aaron Jors wrote:
    Andy I needed to upgrade my routers firmware. After doing so everything is running great. Thanks again for your help.
    I saw, in the other thread. Thanks for asking there, and thanks to the Dgrin geeks for the great advice!
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