Been sort of messing around lately just birding the pasture next to me
along with my backyard of course. Here are few results.
It is always nice to get 3 species in one pic. Here you can see a male house finch, a lark sparrow and two savannah sparrows.

The lark sparrows have very bold colors on the head that I love to photgraph.

The savannahs are getting used to me. This one allowed me to get very close relatively speaking.

The brown headed cowbirds are everywhere in huge flocks. Here is a male and female.

Even Mr. Downy decided to come out in plain view. I have many more of this one...still processing.

It is always nice to get 3 species in one pic. Here you can see a male house finch, a lark sparrow and two savannah sparrows.

The lark sparrows have very bold colors on the head that I love to photgraph.

The savannahs are getting used to me. This one allowed me to get very close relatively speaking.

The brown headed cowbirds are everywhere in huge flocks. Here is a male and female.

Even Mr. Downy decided to come out in plain view. I have many more of this one...still processing.

I don't see any tumbleweed in these shots!
I saw too many westerns as a kid.
Thanks Ric. There were no frame fillers here as I was always pretty distant from the subjects except for that savannah sparrow so I had no choice but to include much of the surrounding vegetation. I bet I can find a tumbleweed for you though and take a pic.
Thanks Mike. I will have to share more of the downy later. It was very intent on just finding insects in that bark. It paid me no attention. I just wish it hadn't been so high in that tree.
Thanks Dave. The downy turned out best but I really like the those lark sparrows too.
Thanks Jeff. Next weekend I have set up my first photo shoot weekend at a ranch down in the Texas Hill Country where I plan on using a blind for the first time as well. I am going to see if I can't get some of those shots of these little guys where they actually fill the frame. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Maryville, TN.
Thanks Harry. I appreciate it.
Thanks Bob. I know they are very common, but they are difficult to find in a good photographic situation, at least for me.
My website | NANPA Member
Thanks Glenn. Do you see them in California?
Thanks Al. We can't always fill the frame with our subjects so adding some habitat I think is good and sometimes adds to the shot instead of detracting from it. Anyhow, that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Thanks Russ. Spring migration is always a good time here in Texas. The males of the species are active and in general I tend to see more birds this time of the year. I know a lot of people talk about fall migration but for me, the best times are spring and summer. Go figure.
Thanks Don. It has been for sure. Just yesterday a flock of 27 cattle egrets stopped by.