Upload errors
This afternoon I used 'Send to Smugmug' to upload 2 photos. The first uploaded fine, the second failed. Tried it again - no go. I then installed the smugmug plug-in for lightroom and tried from there, again no luck, even with a different photo. Then I tried a standard upload from the web site, didn't work and even old faithful failed. I extended the timeout on IE7 to solve a problem in the lightroom plug-in and now get checksum errors when using the plug-in. Is there a problem with uploading right now and/or is anyone else experiencing this problem? I can't determine if it's local (my computer) or smugmug. Thanks, Ed
What size photos are you uploading?
What is your site name, so we can best help?
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The upload log shows the filename of one of the photos and under Image ID and n/a, that's it.
I've tried different size photos from 2.5MB to almost 5MB without success.
site name is edmartens.smugmug.com
Thanks for the help,
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OK Have you tried another browser? Like Firefox if you use IE?
Can you try the Olde Faithful Uploader, to see if you can get one file up?
Next step, traceroutes and line quality test:
1) Speedtest - Go here:
We are the San Jose pyramid. Please let us know what the results are.
2) Traceroute:
Try these instructions to run a traceroute on a PC:
That will help us see if and where any problems may be.
3) A line quality test: go here:
Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. That will let us know if there is an issue with the line preventing photos from arriving to our servers. post the link to the results when you get them.
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I'm begining to suspect my internet connection. I'm receiving a lot of server timeouts and long load/refresh times but that doesn't explain the error response from smugmug about incorrect file sizes and incorrect checksums.
Since I'm on the road and not connecting through my regular ISP I'll try it again tomorrow and if it still doesn't work I'll take a closer look when I'm home.
I ran the tests, results are pasted below hope they help.
Speed test results:
Download: 861kbps
Upload: 127 kbps
MS Pint: 145 ms
Trace route results:
Tracing route to hera.smugmug.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 10 ms 8 ms 9 ms
2 53 ms 53 ms 52 ms
3 55 ms 52 ms 51 ms
4 55 ms 55 ms 58 ms
5 58 ms 62 ms 56 ms
6 62 ms 63 ms 63 ms
7 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms
8 * 69 ms *
9 69 ms * 64 ms axr00asm-0-2-0.bellsouth.net []
10 64 ms 64 ms 63 ms pxr00asm-1-0-0.bellsouth.net []
11 75 ms 66 ms 75 ms
12 67 ms 73 ms 71 ms ve5.fr3.atl1.llnw.net []
13 88 ms 95 ms 97 ms tge1-3.fr4.dal.llnw.net []
14 170 ms 85 ms 87 ms ve5.fr3.dal.llnw.net []
15 179 ms 123 ms * tge1-2.fr3.phx2.llnw.net []
16 114 ms 110 ms * tge1-1.fr3.phx1.llnw.net []
17 * * 127 ms tge1-2.fr3.lax.llnw.net []
18 * 127 ms 124 ms ve6.fr4.lax.llnw.net []
19 * 142 ms 134 ms tge1-3.fr3.sjc.llnw.net []
20 144 ms 140 ms 143 ms smugmug.ge3-1.fr3.sjc.llnw.net []
21 131 ms 131 ms 130 ms hera.smugmug.com []
Trace complete.
Line Test Results link: http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/a943b6526aac/2371873
Also, I made a change to my Java settings (from proxy to direct) and Simple and Olde Faithfull are now working. Send to Smugmug is also working although it reports no photos sent and 0 megabytes sent. The lightroom plug-in is back to the "FormatMessageW failed" even though my timeout is extended to 5 minutes - for that I'll have probably have to wait for an Adobe fix.
Anyway, at least I can upload again.
Thanks for the help