Home page shows no images
If I go to my home page: http://rdavid.smugmug.com/ all it shows is my home page name. However when I go to my control panel and click on the homepage tab everything is there. This is true for Firefox, IE and opera.
What did I do in my brain dead attempt to organize my site? I know it was my frault there is no one else here. I am divorced, so I can still blame my wife but that would be fruitless.
What did I do in my brain dead attempt to organize my site? I know it was my frault there is no one else here. I am divorced, so I can still blame my wife but that would be fruitless.
I put your galleries back on the homepage. You had them 'hidden' in your control panel, homepage tab. Only you see stuff there. Here's help on how it works, have a read and play with it:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Damn you guys are fast, I am mightly Impressed! Thanks!