Announcing: SmugWP

Actually, a new name is in the works, but the plugin is done, so... Yeah...
SmugWP (as it shall be called for the time being) is a WordPress plug-in allowing a SmugMug user to provide his/her customers with a simple interface to access their on-line galleries. It is simple enough in theory; create a gallery for the client, give the client the Gallery ID, the client enters the ID into a simple interface and is redirected to the correct gallery. It is functionality similar to the DigiProofs interface.
However, as all SmugMug gallery IDs are global, simply redirecting to the entered ID could very well direct a customer to another SmugMug user’s gallery, which would be very unfortunate.
This plug-in displays a form for the customer to enter the Gallery ID, checks the ID to confirm that it is in-fact a gallery owned by the owner of the script, and redirects the customer accordingly.
Simply hide all proofing and delivery galleries, and only display your sample galleries. It keeps your SmugMug interface clean, and ensures that proofing galleries are private and secure. It especially helps if you have a fully customized SmugMug template to match your WordPress site.
Moving on:
It's rather basic, I know, but come on now. It's my first ever WordPress plugin (actualy, usefull PHP script, now that I think of it), it provides functionality (however small) that I wanted, and it's built off the API ...
Really though. I have a little more functionality I am going to build into it. There is some security to be had, and some practical things were overlooked in getting the first version out the door, but this release offers exactly what I wanted (before I started looking at it from a developer's stand-point).
I hope it helps someone out. It was fun to make, and helps me out a lot.
It uses phpSmug (I've also got to cut it down a but to lighten that load for version 2 as well).
SmugWP (as it shall be called for the time being) is a WordPress plug-in allowing a SmugMug user to provide his/her customers with a simple interface to access their on-line galleries. It is simple enough in theory; create a gallery for the client, give the client the Gallery ID, the client enters the ID into a simple interface and is redirected to the correct gallery. It is functionality similar to the DigiProofs interface.
However, as all SmugMug gallery IDs are global, simply redirecting to the entered ID could very well direct a customer to another SmugMug user’s gallery, which would be very unfortunate.
This plug-in displays a form for the customer to enter the Gallery ID, checks the ID to confirm that it is in-fact a gallery owned by the owner of the script, and redirects the customer accordingly.
Simply hide all proofing and delivery galleries, and only display your sample galleries. It keeps your SmugMug interface clean, and ensures that proofing galleries are private and secure. It especially helps if you have a fully customized SmugMug template to match your WordPress site.
Moving on:
It's rather basic, I know, but come on now. It's my first ever WordPress plugin (actualy, usefull PHP script, now that I think of it), it provides functionality (however small) that I wanted, and it's built off the API ...
Really though. I have a little more functionality I am going to build into it. There is some security to be had, and some practical things were overlooked in getting the first version out the door, but this release offers exactly what I wanted (before I started looking at it from a developer's stand-point).
I hope it helps someone out. It was fun to make, and helps me out a lot.
It uses phpSmug (I've also got to cut it down a but to lighten that load for version 2 as well).
Covering It at D:D
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
Feature Requests:
External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")
SmugWP - now 30% more smug!
No Steam Shovel
Feature Requests:
External Slide Show Support
Black/White and Sepia Color Options
Photo/Discount Packages/Coupons
Electronic Payout for Pro accounts via PayPal
Self-Fulfilment (Custom "Items")