Help, I dropped my flash....
Hi all, I was hoping you might be able to help me with this.
I dropped my Canon 430ex on the track at Dover. It's not worked since...Is there anyway to fix it? I guess what I mean is would it be cost effective to send it to Canon to see if it can be fixed? Please share your experience with me!
I dropped my Canon 430ex on the track at Dover. It's not worked since...Is there anyway to fix it? I guess what I mean is would it be cost effective to send it to Canon to see if it can be fixed? Please share your experience with me!
I do suggest that you send the flash back to Canon. They should give you an estimate before repairs so you can make the decision to repair or not.
Add a note explaining your wishes if you feel the need.
Is there any chance the unit is still under warranty? If so, be sure to include copies of any paperwork supporting the warranty.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I sent it to Nikon. I didn't tell them I dropped it, I just told them "it stopped working"
However, I should say in my limited experience with both Nikon and Canon's repair centers, I've found Canon more willing to fix things for free than Nikon.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
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