Photos of Gov Buildings/Monuments question

Hi. I am sorry if this is a silly question, and I think I know the answer but I have had a hard time locating something that tells me for sure.
I tried to do a search here and was unsuccessful (maybe I didn't search the correct words or something) But my question is....
Can I legally sell photos I have taken of monuments and governments buildings such as Capitol Building, Washington Monument, etc?
I am considering participating in a local craft fair and as I go through my photos (mostly nature shots) I wondered if I could include my DC photos as well.
I tried to do a search here and was unsuccessful (maybe I didn't search the correct words or something) But my question is....
Can I legally sell photos I have taken of monuments and governments buildings such as Capitol Building, Washington Monument, etc?
I am considering participating in a local craft fair and as I go through my photos (mostly nature shots) I wondered if I could include my DC photos as well.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks. That was what I thought but I just needed to hear it from someone else:)
Read through Dan Heller's excellent articles on releases. Note the difference between commericial use; e.g., advertising, as opposed to simply selling a photo.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks for the link. Going to go check it out. I used to have a good book but I couldn't find it! Thank you!!!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
not sure this is an issue with govenment buildings which are "public" by default
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots