Great Egret

All criticism is appreciated. Constructive criticism earns you cookies 
I still consider myself a newbie.. I'm shooting with my first DSLR and playing the game of guess and check. Every once in awhile I end up with something I like. I think I'm liking this one so far, but I know that there is a lot to improve upon.

I still consider myself a newbie.. I'm shooting with my first DSLR and playing the game of guess and check. Every once in awhile I end up with something I like. I think I'm liking this one so far, but I know that there is a lot to improve upon.

hmmm! Well, you asked for it:D
The only things I would comment on in your image is the background and the angle of view.
Eye level wildlife photos seem to have more an impact and, in this case, you might have also solved the distracting background problem.
As an example:
Hopefully this helps
I will try both of the suggestions posted. Unfortunately Great Egrets aren't in abundance and available to shoot up here where I live, but I will have to find something else to practice on