Important feature missing from "Sharegroups" ??
Here's my problem:
I want to share some photo galleries with my online gaming buddies (who doesn't nowadays?? =p ) but I don`t really want them to have access to all my other galleries.
Right now my only option is to link them one gallery at a time, with the "hide owner" option so that they can't nagivate back to my homepage where all the galleries are listed.
I thought Sharegroups was gonna be the perfect solution to my problem, by linking multiple "hide owner" galleries to one sharegroup, and give them that link instead. However, the sharegroup feature doesn't let me hide owner, so basically if I give away a sharegroup link to somebody, I give him the link to my homepage as well, which kinda sucks for my needs =p
I want to share some photo galleries with my online gaming buddies (who doesn't nowadays?? =p ) but I don`t really want them to have access to all my other galleries.
Right now my only option is to link them one gallery at a time, with the "hide owner" option so that they can't nagivate back to my homepage where all the galleries are listed.
I thought Sharegroups was gonna be the perfect solution to my problem, by linking multiple "hide owner" galleries to one sharegroup, and give them that link instead. However, the sharegroup feature doesn't let me hide owner, so basically if I give away a sharegroup link to somebody, I give him the link to my homepage as well, which kinda sucks for my needs =p