How do I offer 4x8 Cards ?

Hi folks, I have been trying to figure out how to offer the 4x8 photo cards to my customers but can not find anywhere to place my prices in the Pro Pricing Screen to even offer them. It says ITEM NOT FOR SALE when I bring it up in the BUY PHOTO Screen on my end and when I log out to act like a customer they are not offered there either. Where do I look for these items to price them and set it up to offer them for sale ???
New Jersey Photographer
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
At this time, cards are only available for creation and purchase by you, as a logged-in SmugMug account owner. We'd like to allow pro pricing on these in the future, but no timeline on that yet, sorry!
In the meantime, you'll need to make a card for your client, then order it and ship to them, collecting payment from your client by your own methods. Here's how I, do it for my clients: .
You can show your client the designs on or, you can make your own gallery of samples like I did.
How to? Have a look here: and post any questions there in that thread.
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NOW I know why I couldn't FIND the option to sell them
I'm going to take a look at your links and educate myself on this topic. I'll be ordering a set of cards next month for a clients wedding thank you cards and look forward to seeing the finished results.
Again Thanks for the response !
Best Regards,
Bill Pador Photography
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
Andy - One other related question (couldn't find the asnwer in the help probably since these are not avail generally)...I have a cropped B&W that is only 1900x2400 and I'm getting a "this photo is too small to buy this item" in the "buy this photo". This is weird since no other size is unavailable. I tried a full size and no issue...Just need to know what i need to upsize this to...
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....will do...