Adding single photo to multiple galleries...

Is this possible now other then "make second copy, move copy of photo"
I'd like to have certain pictures in multiple galleries (location & animal, animal & contest photos) etc etc.
Is there a way that I'm missing? Pro user btw, if it matters.
I'd like to have certain pictures in multiple galleries (location & animal, animal & contest photos) etc etc.
Is there a way that I'm missing? Pro user btw, if it matters.
Well if your asking how to make the copy move to the other galleries in one step, I don't think that is an option.
Only way I know how it to "Make 2nd Copy" of the photo, in the pull down window, then move it to your other gallery(s). Not sure if this is what you were looking for.
You could also upload the photo again to another gallery.
Maybe someone will give you a better answer later.
Yeah, I've done that, it's just a little time consuming. I was just hoping for maybe a way to bulk edit w/ a drop down menu on where to send a copy.
Like I have a contest I do this year and I want to keep them organized, but I also want the picture to go into the "macro" folder or w/e one it applies too, etc.
There is no other good way to do this. I too wish there was a better answer as the current mechanism is quite laborious even for one image and untenable for many images.
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