Hello All: Newby

Hey everyone,
I am a serious amateur photographer who is graduating college this year. I have maintained my website www.unknownphotography.com for the past 3 years through fortune city hosting. I was attracted to smugmug for the potential of expanding my hobby into a business. Now, i just have to get started. I dont want to jump ahead before i know what im doing. This seemed to be a good place to come for advice so...
First, i canceled my hosting through fortune city, but my domain registration is still through them.
I would like to start setting up a smug mug pro account using the domain. Where do i begin?? Thank you in advance.
I am a serious amateur photographer who is graduating college this year. I have maintained my website www.unknownphotography.com for the past 3 years through fortune city hosting. I was attracted to smugmug for the potential of expanding my hobby into a business. Now, i just have to get started. I dont want to jump ahead before i know what im doing. This seemed to be a good place to come for advice so...
First, i canceled my hosting through fortune city, but my domain registration is still through them.
I would like to start setting up a smug mug pro account using the domain. Where do i begin?? Thank you in advance.
30D 70-200 f2.8 IS, 400 f5.6, 50 1.4, sigma 18-200 3.5-6.3
30D 70-200 f2.8 IS, 400 f5.6, 50 1.4, sigma 18-200 3.5-6.3
For the domain name, you can either keep it at Fortune City, or transfer it to another domain host like GoDaddy.com
We have instructions for setting the domain up here: http://www.smugmug.com/help/professional-accounts
If you need help getting it set up, please send us an email on the help desk and we can help you get that working. http://www.smugmug.com/help/emailreal
To set up a pro account, start here http://www.smugmug.com/pro
We offer free 14 day trials that do not require a credit card.
Welcome. I think you will enjoy using SmugMug. I just finished my 14 day trial and have signed up for the pro account for the year. I like the ease of use on this website, not having had a website of my own (yet). I also feel comfortable using the forums, lots of great help and nice people. I have about 9 galleries posted so far and over 600 hits, no sales yet, but they are forth coming.