Orphan Works Legislation
I am a photojournalist with over 35 years experience. Some of my work is parked on SmugMug. I am wondering how SmugMug is going to protect my work if the Orhan Works bill gets passed. This is serious business to any creative individual.
The only way we can get serious is if we know what you are concerned about.
What orphaned works bill are you talking about?
What does it do that you object to/think threatens our copyright interests?
What does it do that requires a response from SMUGMUG?
What does it do that will effect members of the SMUGMUG community?
Thank you,
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
edit: More information on the subject at http://www.ppa.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=544
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My website | NANPA Member
Now that I've read the documents you've provided links to, there seems to be no legislation before the US Congress. Did you read the links before you posted? Do you agree or disagree with any of the content? Which?
Thank you,
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
SMUGMUG may have no control over the issue (whatever it may be), but it may be entangled with the issue. One of the issues is what constitues a "good faith search". If a photo can be found by search in SMUGMUG contents, is a search that fails to find the image therefore not a good faith search? What information needs to be searchable from my SMUGMUG uploads to let me claim that a good faith search should have found my image? How do my posted prices affect the amount I can recover from a copyright infringer?
I'm not asking SMUGMUG to address these questions as there is no pending legislation to apply them to. But when there is, this may be an appropriate forum for discussion.
Still, no one has suggested what to write to our congress-critters.
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
You are correct, I should have said "proposed legislation" as this subject was just being discussed by subcommittee last March. I do not see where anything else has occurred on this subject so I don't think it should even be called "proposed legislation". It is just something that is being discussed at this point.
I would not say that I understand most of what I have read on this subject, let alone agree with it.
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The core of the proposed legislation is that it would become very difficult to protect your copyrighted material, unless it has been registered.
My website | NANPA Member
Actually if you research a little further you might conclude it will be difficult to protect your watered down copyright. Registration or not.
" A good faith search" does not mean searching, or browsing on smugmug. It means that if a documentary filmaker, book publisher, or someone wishing to use an image for a publication that they need to make "a good faith search" to find the copyright owner an get their permission to use the photo for their purposes.
My website | NANPA Member
What a "good faith search" is is not yet defined. One proposal is to require registation so that only the official register needs to be searched. That makes the definition easy and requires all seeking protection to register or lose control of their work. But if we want some kind of protection without the limitation of an official register only, how can we define it? Would a Google search satisfy part of such a definition? If so, material from Smugmug that has been indexed by Google could be found in a good faith search. What info would need to be included? Name, address, contact info?
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
Today the House and Senate sent us draft copies of the new Orphan Works Act of 2008. They haven’t officially released it yet, but we’ve been told the Senate will do so this week. A quick analysis confirms our worst fears and our early warnings. If these proposals are enacted into law, all the work you have ever done or will do could be orphaned and exposed to commercial infringement from the moment you create it.
You’ve probably already heard Mark Simon’s webcast interview with Brad Holland. If not, please listen to it at:
http://www.sellyourtvconceptnow.com/orphan.html. <http://www.sellyourtvconceptnow.com/orphan.html>
Then forget the spin you’ve heard from backers of this bill. This radical proposal, now pending before Congress, could cost you your past and future copyrights.
The Illustrators’ Partnership is currently working with our attorney - in concert with the other 12 groups in the American Society of Illustrators Partnership to have our voices – and yours - heard in Congress. We’ll keep you posted regarding how you can do your part.
Please forward this information to every creative person and group you know. Mr. Holland and Mr. Simon have given their permission for this audio file to be copied and transferred and replayed.
For additional information about Orphan Works developments, go to the IPA Orphan Works Resource Page for Artists
It's becoming more and more obvious that there's some group of people who are looking to make a ton of money or to eliminate costs (yes, thank you captain obvious, but it needed to be said). I'd sure like to find out who....
The Illustrators' Partnership of America