Pictures size and printing
I'm currently not uploading full sized images due to upload caps on my DSL connection. What I have been doing is in Lightroom when I export my images I select 1280 on the long side, 240dpi and 90% jpeg quality. Upoloads are between 35-40 megs. Seems to give me an 8x10 print with no errors. I only offer 4x6, 5x7, and 8x10.
You can see our resolution requirements here:
If the photos don't have large enough resolution, the print sizes are removed from the shopping cart to guarantee the best quality.
File Prep Tips:
We very highly recommend our Pros make use of our Proof Delay feature.
Proof Delay allows you to review the order before it's sent to print,
make corrections and changes to the cropping as well as auto versus true
color. Best of all, you have the opportunity to totally replace any
image that is ordered, with your choice of a replacement, still allowing
you to adjust the crop and color setting after replacing it. For more
info on this, please see the links below which would eliminate any
problems in the future:
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